Anarchy In Action – Recycle Revolution – Nguyen Solutions

In our very first attempt at doing an interview with a guest where a movie is not involved, we discuss a market-based solution to a common problem around garbage and recycling.

Justin Nguyen of Nguyen Solutions joins us from Bali, Indonesia to talk about his efforts to spark a Revolution in Recycling using a very unique insect species that seems almost perfectly suited for the job.

If you like what you hear and see, do check out his website and IndieGoGo campaigns:

We hope you enjoyed this interview. Let us know in the comments what you think and if you would like to see more content like this from us in the future.

Here are the links to the shows notes pages that contain the Rothbard lecture and the Floy Lilley lecture related to environmentalism:

Episode 30 – Idiocracy: 4th of July Special w/Adam Kokesh (1:52:59)

Episode 18 – The Lorax (1:16:13)

Thanks for watching!

Presented by

Robert and I analyze popular movies from a Rothbardian/AnarchoCapitalist perspective.

We use movies as a starting point for people who may not be familiar with this way of thinking.   Discussion of the plot and decisions that characters make in relation to morality and violations of the non-aggression principle are our bread and butter.

We also will highlight and discuss any themes or lessons from Austrian Economics that we can glean from the film.

The point is to show what anarchy actually is with instances that are presented in film.

We publish at least once per week; and occasionally will do specials surrounding holidays or events (elections/olympics) and have guests.


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