ZeroHedge: Media Launches “Full Frontal” Cover Attack On Trump Administration

ZeroHedge observed that this week’s covers of Bloomberg Businessweek, Time, and The Economist are clear attacks on the Trump Administration.

The last one is cute, given what just happened in Berkeley last night.

So much for these magazines following the sage advice of Reuters:

  • Cover what matters in people’s lives and provide them the facts they need to make better decisions.
  • Get out into the country and learn more about how people live, what they think, what helps and hurts them, and how the government and its actions appear to them, not to us.

What’s fascinating is that these magazines are leading a losing battle. They’re fighting ferociously over a declining audience that will trust them less and less as they continue to demonize Trump. Eventually the media companies will need to decide what to do, because all of them won’t be able to survive.


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Source: A Simple Fool

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