All Government Results in Corruption; Demand LESS Government

Tom Woods Liberty Classroom

Politics results in corruption either way. If big government values are the political flavor of the moment big money interests (big business, big labor, etc.) will agitate and lobby for new taxes and regulations that hurt their competition. If small government values are the political flavor of the moment big money interests will agitate for less taxes and regulations in a careful manner that benefit them and not their competitors. One side isn’t more or less corrupt than the other, [politics is the game of the powerful at the expense of the powerless]( As a libertarian I want little as possible to be determined in the realm of politics but it’s not just a matter of rolling back policies. Libertarian ends means empowering people to be the solution themselves. People need to understand how they can start charities and businesses to solve today’s problems so their demand for government involvement isn’t the avenue for someone else’s corruption. Special interests will always use your frustration, anger and fear as the door to get their project enacted. How do you outlaw corruption? You can’t. I want a government so small that it’s not worth the company’s dime to lobby for abuse of government power. That’s really all lobbying is: greasing the palm of politicians who need money for re-election for favors that benefit the company and protects them from innovators and more efficient companies. I’d love to see a law that states “Lobbying is illegal”. But, just as the law states “Drugs are illegal”, it would never happen. Lobbyists would merely change their business cards to read “Consultants”. What are your thoughts on how we can limit lobbyists using politicians?

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Source: Liberty LOL – All Government Results in Corruption; Demand LESS Government