Coptic priest to ISIS: Thank you

Because ISIS’s two bombings of Coptic churches on Palm Sunday in Egypt is strengthening the Church in countless ways.

First of all, such attacks send the souls of those killed to Jesus that much more quickly. To die the same death as Christ did is the highest honor a Christian could receive.

Such attacks also bring to church people who would otherwise not go. They realize life can be short, and should turn to God for His grace.

Finally, even though radical Islamists may have attacked Christians, true Christians not only love them, but they are praying for them as well.

In many ways, this has been a very difficult Lent for me. Throughout this period, the anger within me has been almost persistent as I have observed (and in far too many cases, reacted to the) injustices around me.

However, here is a priest of a church that was just brutally attacked commanding that Christians not only love their attackers, but to pray for them.

This is a message I very much needed to hear.

See, I am sending you out like sheep into the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. – Matthew 10:16


My lack of innocence is preventing me from gaining true wisdom. However, I can’t obtain such innocence by myself. I must rely on God’s grace to do that.

Saint Francis, pray for me.

h/t Eve Tushnet

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Source: A Simple Fool

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