Don’t go dancing without a permit!

The dance police

The name of my blog is referring to living in Sweden. You might think I am exaggerating but I want to present to you evidence to the contrary.

Continued prohibition on spontaneous dancing in bars and restaurants

The article is in Swedish but Google translates usually does a passable job nowadays with Swedish to English translations. The title really says everything you need to know though, in Sweden it is outlawed to spontaneously start dancing anywhere. This is not just an archaic toothless law either, the cops have actually, this very summer, pressed charges against restaurants that have the gall to allow the patrons to move their hips rhythmically to the music. A suggestion to scrap this law recently went before the Riksdag but they are stalling and want to investigate whether removing the law might increase the risk of public disorder and jeopardize safety. I am not shitting you, in a country where violent crime is on an absurdly increasing trajectory, where rape is getting out of hand and where there are more and more “no-go” zones, the politicians seriously think cops should spend their time making sure people don’t dance without a permit!

I can imagine the work. The cops are sitting there undercover in a corner, observing the guests and trying to estimate if someone is approaching that danger zone between plain moving and moving to the music. Did she shake the hips a bit too much? Were that guy’s spastic gestures a dance move or just a display of social awkwardness? Did she drop it like it was hot or did she just reach down to pick something up? If I were a cop I would rather do that than to infiltrate some violent jihadist gang or hells Angels that’s for sure!

What about other crucial questions, does the dance attempt have to actually follow the rhythm of the music or do we white guys get a pass because our moves are more akin to seizures than dancing? For how long does the movement have to go on to be considered dancing? When I am just walking around I likely, by pure accident, move my behind in sync to the tunes at least once. Should an officer of the law approach me and say:

“Sorry, sir, you hips are moving so tantalizingly that we just have to arrest you! I can feel my trouser snake arousing and we just can’t let you go around like that encouraging moral depravity.”

We obviously can’t have any of that for goodness sake, the slightest tolerance of dancing without state permission clearly leads to moral decay, sodomy, and outburst of violent crime! If that is your thing then pack your bags and move to Somalia, you anarchist!


Source: In the – Don’t go dancing without a permit!

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