Ep. 10 – Bad Employees Are Causing The Fall Of Western Civilization

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Recorded 9/13/17 – Today Tony vents to Jeff about a former employee in his landscaping business. Over the years, Tony has hired many employees that seemed promising at the outset, only to see their bad habits and lack of work ethic make themselves known little by little. It can be frustrating for business owners when they constantly hear that “the job market is terrible. People can’t find any good jobs!”

Well, there’s another side to this story. Tony’s business offers entry level jobs that lead down more lucrative career paths, and yet it is very difficult to find grown men who are responsible enough to even show up to work on time. Heck, sometimes they just don’t show up at all, without even calling the office to notify that they will be absent!

So please enjoy the episode, which takes a look at a very specific situation, but reveals something about the “working poor” that you may not have seen before.

Our Real Website: https://www.DontWasteYourHate.com

Peter Schiff and Joe Rogan discuss the basic and necessary skills that your first jobs teach you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjD23OcVJvk

Thomas Sowell says personal responsibility is obsolete: https://westnewsmagazine.com/2016/06/08/68104/thomas-sowell-is-personal-responsibility-obsolete
Source: Don’t Waste Your Hate Podcast – Ep. 10 – Bad Employees Are Causing The Fall Of Western Civilization

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