
Tom Woods Liberty Classroom

From a policy standpoint I don’t like Trump, but I find myself supporting him when he goes against this level of dishonesty and distortion of the truth. Those against Trump are so sensational about everything Trump does, that I find myself aligned accordingly just to appose the leftists. Does anyone else fall into this trap?

Literally everything since the election has been hysterical. Turn off the news for one month and what has happened to you? Nothing. Nothing President Trump has done has affected your life. It’s all hysteria for hysteria-sake.

Trump said that some of those in Charlottesville were “very fine people”, and he’s right, most of those protesters were not affiliated with white supremacy groups, most just opposed the removing of statues. This is just one of many small examples of what leftists do to create a false narrative.

Policy wise, he’s a Bill Clinton that likes guns. Not great, but could be worse. But I find myself defending much that he does or says because the narrative from the “other side” is SO false that I just can’t let it be.

I recommend a book written by Sharyl Atkkisson “The Smear: How Shady Political Operatives and Fake News Control What You See, What You Think, and How You Vote”.


​This book details how political operatives use these little phrases in order to influence public opinion. In this case, the phrase “Trump said they’re all fine people” is completely false, but is being repeated and propagated by political operatives with support of the media. By the time it gets to your average Social Justice Warrior, the vast majority will not check if it is true but instead embrace it because it fits with their world view. A false statement only needs a kernel of truth to be considered true in this fake news world we live in.
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Now on to the National Anthem.  I find this confusion over the difference between patriotism and nationalism very disturbing. These flamboyant displays at sporting events are NOT patriotism. They are for the indoctrination of nationalism.

“Patriotism” is not demanded it is an act of admiration to the collaborative success of good by ones countrymen. It is the show of pride in the brothers and sisters you share the nation with. It is not your duty to show patriotism as it is a gift from each of us the individuals and our choice when to display it.
“Nationalism” is a tool, a disease that collectivist like communists, socialists, and fascist, employ to manipulate public opinion to control the masses and dissenters.

If you’re up in arms over these idiot athletes attempting to protest social issues then you yourself are just as foolish as they are.

I have been in the military for 19 years and counting. I serve alongside great brothers in arms who are Purple Heart recipients. We all bleed red white and blue and some of my friends will even stand up at attention for the national anthem if we were out in public or at a restaurant. Great for them. That’s what they want to do and they are able to do it and it’s awesome. We don’t demand that every able-bodied person HAS to stand though. That’s not America.

Instead I see the following image all over my social media.


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Source: Liberty LOL – QUIT MAKING ME DEFEND DONALD TRUMP!: National Anthem Edition

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