News from the madhouse 14th of October

I have been traveling this week so I haven’t had time to follow the news, good for my sanity perhaps but bad for this blog. Now I am back and here is some depressing news from this week!

In the Swedish Institutes marketing towards Arabic countries feminism and equality is not mentioned

On one can read good reason for why you should move to Sweden. In Russian, Chinese and English they highlight that Sweden is a very gender equal country with opportunities for everyone. In Arabic, they “forget” to mention the equality bit while highlighting how well Sweden provides you for life and how many different allowances you can get from the state and municipalities.

SVT stops cult children’s show

It’s turning into a national sport in Sweden to censor or destroy old cultural expressions that do not fit into the current politically correct narrative. The works of our cherished author Astrid Lindgren for instance and Tintin got censored earlier. Now the hammer has come down on the childrens show Bert. Bert is a comedy show about a boy and his struggles in early puberty and the show was made in the 90’s. Apparently, two episodes are disparaging against homosexuals and blacks so they have been taken down from SVT’s online archive. SVT is the Swedish state-sponsored television company and the maker of Bert. I didn’t pay all that much attention to Bert when I grew up, but it is a bit baffling to see things that are relatively young get hammered down as opposed to older works like Tintin. It is crazy how quickly the PC train is moving. Allowable opinions from just 10-20 years ago are now considered damaging.

Twittered about the troll factory #jagärhär and then lost her job at the university

A researcher at Stockholm University, Bilyana Martinovski, twittered about the troll movement #jagärhär and then promptly lost her job. #jagärhär is a movement, partially run by the above-mentioned SVT, that seeks out uncomfortable opinions on Twitter and then replies with the tag #jagärhär which attracts the leftist mobs to attack anyone that expresses such opinions. They apparently also go further and try to get people fired if they dare to hold the wrong opinions. We might ask then if Martinovski is a closet Nazi, a champion of Aryan supremacy with despicable opinions? Nope, she is just bringing attention to cases of gang rape. Just look for yourself on her Twitter. Be sure to follow her to show some form of support!

Source: In the – News from the madhouse 14th of October

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