News from the Madhouse 26th of October

This week one news article stands head and shoulders above just about anything else. Sometimes I go about my business wondering if all of reality is just a hallucination made up by my sick mind, then I come across news like this and realize that my brain could never by itself invent something quite that demented.

Person employed for life to be a living art exhibition

In Gothenburg they are building a new rail line and new stations to go along with it. Now it appears that a person will be employed full time, for the rest of his(her? its?) life as a living art exhibition. The person in question is free to do just about anything he/she/it feels like doing and the point of the exhibition is that is is “a commentary on wage earning”.

Yeah… I think I will just leave it at that, further comments aren’t really necessary.


Source: In the – News from the Madhouse 26th of October

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