Missing the Point and Importance of Hoppe’s PFS Speech

By Michael Tabone

Recently, Hans-Hermann Hoppe gave a speech. It was an important speech. Not because it covered anything new, unraveled a mystery of economic insight he had never explained before, or because he had an amazing power point.

What was great about the speech was that it was a condensed, easily understandable, and brief explanation of how and what libertarianism is, and what are a few bad ideas (including the alt-rights views), and some strategies for Libertarian/Anarcho-Capitialism going forward.

Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Libertarianism and the “Alt-Right” (PFS 2017) – Video

Now like Hoppe or not, the most important point of his entire speech was overlooked by almost all who listened (or didn’t listen but pretended to have an opinion of his speech regardless).

The most important part of this speech was that he is proposing ideas which push the understood boundaries of libertarianism/anarcho-capitalism. Hoppe is amongst the few people who is not debating with people over the use of a term, the political flavor of the year, or a presidential election, or whatever minor and insignificant prattle holding down most libertarian infighting. Continue reading “Missing the Point and Importance of Hoppe’s PFS Speech”