Roadside Brutality of Senior Citizen

By Sterling Reece of Altar and Throne

Delivering at an old man’s house up in the mountains today, and he came shuffling out to say hello. We were talking and I could tell his hands weren’t working but I figured it was just arthritis or something.

But he told me about how a Forest Service agent(?) threw him down and handcuffed him, for driving down a closed road to get to his house.

This isn’t a road that was under construction, it was just closed due to weather. So he was perfectly capable of traversing that road without a problem.

And it was the only road to his house.

He said the agent put the cuffs on so tight his hands haven’t worked right since. I’m inclined to believe him because even though he looked to be in his mid-70s or older, he didn’t come off as a crazy fucker, and believe me I meet those types too. He still seemed pretty sharp.

Also, when I was delivering to his neighbor the week prior, that guy was just bursting to tell me about how much he hates the Forest Service as well.  I didn’t say anything to get them to tell me this stuff either, in case you’re wondering.

If you’re from back east, you probably can’t imagine what it’s like to have the federal government control the vast majority of the land. In the southern part of my area, it’s all BLM land, and the farmers tell me horror stories about the BLM that’d make you sick with rage.

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