News from the madhouse

I am going to do a bit of an experiment and share news from Sweden a couple of times a week and summarise what the articles are about. The links will point to articles written in Swedish but google translate does a pretty decent job of it anyway if you want to double check what I write! So let’s get right to it!

Police beg clan leaders to sort out the violence in rough neighborhoods

The original Swedish title is very meek and can be translated as “Police allows clan leaders to resolve conflicts”. That’s mighty nice of the police, sounds like a win-win situation. Maybe there are some strapping youngsters that get into innocent youthful bouts of fisticuffs every now and then and the police let the locals deal with such minor nuisances? Unfortunately when one reads the article it is blatantly clear that the police has simply capitulated. The content of the article should by all means shock every single Swede reading it, it describes how the police in certain Swedish cities have to go to local clan leaders in order to try and handle the violence in the ghetto suburbs. The police simply can no longer fight the violence by themselves. It is not about “allowing” anyone to do anything, they have no other choice. The article describes how the police approach the clan leader with requests and the leader replies that he will talk to the family and see what he can do. Like straight out of the Godfather.

Near the end of the article a police officer says this:

Man måste inse att i de här områdena har inte polisen ett våldsmonopol. Förstår man inte det har man någonting för ögonen som skymmer. Och vi måste anpassa oss till verkligheten och jobba efter den. Förstår man inte det här lever man i en politisk drömvärld, säger Walter Holm.

The translation of that is something like this (bold parts added by me):

One has to realize that in these neighborhoods the police does not have a monopoly on violence. People that fail to understand this has blinds over their eyes. We have to adapt to reality and work according to it. People that don’t understand this lives in a political dream world. Says Walter Holm.

Wow! Just wow. Let this fully sink in, a representative of the states violent enforcement agency is publicly admitting that they have been outgunned and he does so in the clearest and plainest way imaginable. He even goes so far as to call anyone that thinks otherwise a blind idiot. Think about it, how bad is it really until a police admit such a thing? As we know the monopoly on violence within a territory is pretty much the definition of a state, the state admits its defeat within certain parts of Sweden! I am a voluntarist so that by itself doesn’t shake me, what scares me is the thing that has replaced the state within those areas. Not much of a victory when one group of violent thugs is replaced by an even worse group of violent thugs.

Let’s have a look at article number two.

The police have to down-prioritize sex crimes

Antalet mord och mordförsök gör att polisen måste prioritera bort andra typer av brott – som våldtäkter och andra typer av sexövergrepp, skriver SVT Nyheter.

Translation of that is:

The high number of murders and murder attempts forces the cops to down-prioritize other types of crime – such as rape and other types of sexual assults.

Ok, let’s just say wow again. There is a very concerning increase in both murder and rapes in Sweden and now it has gotten so bad that rape cases simply cannot be investigated anymore because all resources are consumed by murder cases.

I don’t think I need to proselytize more on that topic, let’s just quickly jump to article number three.

One police patrol car has to cover all of southern Lappland all by itself

Here I don’t even need to quote the article, the headline says it all. To give some context, southern Lappland is an area that is about a quarter of the size of Florida. Granted the population is nowhere near a quarter of Floridas population but that doesn’t change the fact that if you call the cops it might take several hours with the pedal to the metal before they even arrive. Check this out on Google maps, the distance between two randomly selected towns in the region. How much of a deterrent against home invasion, theft, robbery, break-ins etc do you think one single lonely police car is in such an area?

There is one very interesting thing about the articles above, they are all published in mainstream media. The last link is even to the state-run media service. Just a year or two ago news like these would only be found on alternative media sites and anyone stating such things in polite society would be ostracized and called a conspiracy theoretician or racist. Things are changing very rapidly now in every way in this country and no one is really grasping it. The weird thing is that people are still not going “WTF?!?” after reading these kinds of articles. I hear no real serious discussion around me about the decay of law and order. To put a melodramatic spin on it, sometimes it feels like the scene in Titanic with the band playing while the ship is sinking. I am not quite that pessimistic but reality sure is absurd.

I guess that is enough for the first post of this kind, stay tuned!




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Source: In the – News from the madhouse

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