Silence within the insanity

I recognize that I haven’t posted anything for a while. There are several reasons for my silence on this page; some of them are personal. However, the below tweet by Paul Joseph Watson summarizes quite nicely a key reason for my lack of posting.


I could endlessly report the mayhem occuring in today’s political and cultural milieau. And yet, for what? People who would normally agree with me in the past would probably agree with anything I write, and the inverse would probably be true as well.

I only have one meaningful observation to offer, however small it may be. The past several months have been extremely challenging for me. I have noticed that there’s a correlation between how poorly I react to anything occurring in my life, and how centered I am within my Catholic faith.

I’m not even talking about praying regularly, let alone well. My prayer life has suffered significantly over this period of time. And yet, since I recently lifted up my concerns and fears to the Lord, with Mary’s help, I seem to be calmer, and more centered than I have for quite a while.

That’s not to say that I haven’t tried offering my concerns to God in the past. I have. However, for reasons I don’t understand, let alone can’t explain, burdens that have previously been overwhelming for me are far lighter at the moment. Not eliminated. Lighter.

It’s moments like this that remind me that God’s grace truly exists. Without it, I would probably find myself in the insane asylum.

Which leads me back to Watson’s tweet, which resonates tremendously with me. Right now I have neither the energy nor the inclination to identify topics to which I can possibly provide value. The culture war is currently at a standstill. Neither side is willing to listen to the other. What is the point of communicating anything when no one is willing to listen?

It will not be surprising if more time passes before I write anything. To anyone has looked for me to publish anything lately, I apologize for my silence. All I can say is that when the time is right for me to write, I will.

Until then, I pray that you and your loved ones may find peace in your lives.


The post Silence within the insanity appeared first on A Simple Fool.

Source: A Simple Fool – Silence within the insanity

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