Missing the Point and Importance of Hoppe’s PFS Speech

By Michael Tabone

Recently, Hans-Hermann Hoppe gave a speech. It was an important speech. Not because it covered anything new, unraveled a mystery of economic insight he had never explained before, or because he had an amazing power point.

What was great about the speech was that it was a condensed, easily understandable, and brief explanation of how and what libertarianism is, and what are a few bad ideas (including the alt-rights views), and some strategies for Libertarian/Anarcho-Capitialism going forward.

Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Libertarianism and the “Alt-Right” (PFS 2017) – Video

Now like Hoppe or not, the most important point of his entire speech was overlooked by almost all who listened (or didn’t listen but pretended to have an opinion of his speech regardless).

The most important part of this speech was that he is proposing ideas which push the understood boundaries of libertarianism/anarcho-capitalism. Hoppe is amongst the few people who is not debating with people over the use of a term, the political flavor of the year, or a presidential election, or whatever minor and insignificant prattle holding down most libertarian infighting. Continue reading “Missing the Point and Importance of Hoppe’s PFS Speech”

Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Libertarianism and the “Alt-Right” (PFS 2017) – Video

Ladies and gentlemen. It’s here! HHH’s speech at the PFS recently in Turkey.

Hans Hermann Hoppe; the greatest libertarian thinker of our time delivers a greatly anticipated and striking speech on the Alt Right, Libertarianism, and society’s issues as a whole and offering a strategic social solution, also while identifying many issues even amongst libertarians themselves.

We’ve posted a few articles on the site recently to help clarify some of the confusion on his thought.  Well, let’s just say Hoppe is perfectly capable of defending himself, so to speak.

The page listing those articles can be found here:

So To Speak – The Misunderstood and Misrepresented Thought of Hans-Hermann Hoppe


Apparently this speech was too hot for YouTube and got taken down.

Too Hot for YouTube!

The video player above will allow you to download the video file if you wish.

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TRANSCRIPT AVAILABLE BELOW THE FOLD Continue reading “Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Libertarianism and the “Alt-Right” (PFS 2017) – Video”

Physical Removal – Separating the Facts from the Perversions

Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Augusto Pinochet, and the Alt-Right Trolls

By Jakob Hörngren

The meme warriors from 4chan have revolutionized the art of meme warfare, and in the process of doing so; prominent libertarian scholars have appeared frequently together with fascist leaning military dictators, in what I would call the “alt-right meme circus”.

Memeing Gone Rampant

The helicopter is warmed up, photoshoped into the image are the faces of Augusto Pinochet (the former Chilean dictator) and Hans-Hermann Hoppe (Austrian economist and libertarian theorist) replacing the original caricature faces. Loaded onto the helicopter are a few communists or antifa social justice activists. Pepe the frog furthermore drags the commies onto the helicopter, and the helicopter carries the flag of Kekistan (an invented kingdom).

The text on the meme reads, “Hoppe’s physical removal service”, or “The Hoppean helicopter ride”, or “Free Kekistan!” Does this scenario sound familiar to you?

If you identify yourself as an anarcho-capitalist libertarian then you have certainly been exposed to the literature of Hans-Hermann Hoppe, and you might laugh in amusement at this type of weaponized autism put forward by the alt-right internet trolls.

While the perversion of Hoppe’s argumentation ethics is entertaining in a warped sort of way, it is understandable that some people could be deceived by this distortion of Hoppe’s arguments, and as a consequence obtain a twisted interpretation of one of the greatest heroes for the cause of liberty.

Physical Removal

In order to clear up the confusion regarding the controversy around Hoppe, we need to look closer at his argumentation ethics, and frame the issue given the presumed conditions from which Hoppe derives his reasoning. In his masterpiece, Democracy – The God That Failed, Hoppe famously claims that:

“in a covenant…among proprietor and community tenants for the purpose of protecting their private property, no such thing as a right to free (unlimited) speech exists”

because some people might promote ideas that would disturb the naturally established covenant and destabilize the covenant’s asserted protection of private property, concepts such as “democracy and communism”.

Hoppe furthermore goes on to argue that “there can be no tolerance toward democrats and communists in a libertarian social order” and the conclusion is that the alleged enemies of private property preservation “will have to be physically separated and removed from society”, so to speak.

The idea of “physical removal” is coming from the aforementioned statements. These statements, when taken out of context can be widely misunderstood. Continue reading “Physical Removal – Separating the Facts from the Perversions”

What is Bigotry? Really…

A Case Against Collective Identity

Normally, I try to avoid commenting on Facebook posts. It’s too easy to get bogged down in some long drawn-out battle that inevitably leads nowhere, much like America’s ‘progressive’ foreign policy in the middle east.

But this week, I came across a truly vile statement during an ongoing discussion about immigration. So, I held my nose and jumped head first into the open sewer known as the comments section…

Yuck! Alt-right trolls are ‘the worst’, conflating race with culture and arguing that ‘national destiny’ is somehow predetermined by genetic traits, citing bizarro outdated sudo-science as evidence. Somewhere between debating eugenics and white nationalism it hit me… I’m not going to get through to this guy, it’s just not going to happen; his group identity mindset will not allow him to accept any facts contrary to his nationalist vision, which appears to be simply “White people good. Brown people bad.”

So, I ended the conversation.

The whole encounter was pretty shocking for me. Of course there are people out there like that but, you know, you never really expect to meet one. I know what you’re thinking dear reader:

“Oh Hinton, you’re sooo naive!”

Yeah, fine, guilty as charged I guess. But, truth be told, the whole conversation really got under my skin; I’m writing today frankly, as a kind of exorcism.

It’s healthy to challenge a person’s perspective, even with grotesque ideals, from time to time. It can be constructive for growth, both personally and for the health of society as a whole to be open to ideas. So, I’m choosing to look at this as an opportunity… Continue reading “What is Bigotry? Really…”