On Universalism, Genocide, and Libertarianism

One element which distinguishes modern political ideologies from their pre-modern counterparts and predecessors is universalism. That is, each of them makes several objective truth claims, and their adherents believe that everyone should convert to their point of view. Most also believe that everyone eventually will. This is due in large part to their Whig historiography, with the dominance of their particular system as the “end of history”. Clashes between different strains of political universalism, as well as proselytization into territories ruled by non-universalist governance structures, led to the unprecedented losses of life and property in wars and genocides during the 20th century. The currently dominant form, which will be examined at length, has the potential to motivate even greater destruction going forward. Let us explore the origins of political universalism, its implications, and what might be done with this knowledge. Origins: Universalism, Calvinism, Unitarianism Like most Western political ideas, the dominant strain of universalism in contemporary politics has its roots in Christianity. The doctrine of universal reconciliation says that all humans will eventually be saved and reach Heaven, that no permanent Hell exists, and that the idea of eternal damnation comes from a mistranslation of Scripture.[1] This belief can be found among some of the early church fathers[2], and persists in some sense within Catholicism through the belief in Purgatory. From a Protestant perspective, universalism is perhaps best understood as an extreme form of Calvinism. Calvinists believe that God has predetermined the fate of every soul, with some going to Heaven and others going to Hell.[3] A Christian Universalist believes that all souls are in the former category in the long-term. The Calvinist view of election is in contrast to Arminianism, which holds that election is conditional[4], and to open theism, which claims that God does not know in advance how a person will respond to the Gospel.[5] The other four points of five-point Calvinism are total depravity, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and perseverance of the saints. Total depravity means that all people are enslaved to sin and cannot by their own faculties choose salvation. Limited atonement means that salvation is intended only for the elect and not for all people. Irresistible grace means that the elect will be saved regardless of their resistance to the Holy Spirit. Perseverance of the saints means that the elect cannot fall out of communion with God; apostates either never had true faith or will be divinely chastened into repentance. All five points have important implications in the political realm which will be discussed in the next section. The teachings of John Calvin eventually led to his own de facto rule in Geneva, the rule of Oliver Cromwell following the English Civil War, and the dominance of the Puritans in New England, the latter of which has never truly lost influence over American politics. Each of these produced its own horrifying and deadly results, from the burning of heretics like Michael Servetus[6] to Cromwell’s massacres of the Irish[7] to the Salem Witch Trials. Christian Universalism proper can be traced to a liberal denomination formed in 1793 to uphold belief in universal salvation, which would later become known as the Universalist Church of America. This denomination merged with the Unitarians in 1961 to form the Unitarian Universalist Association. The early Unitarians rejected several fundamentals of mainstream Christianity, such as the doctrines of the Trinity, the pre-existence of Christ, original sin, and substitutionary atonement. During the 19th century, through the influence of Transcendentalism, they moved away from liberal Protestantism to become more theologically diverse.[8] This trend continued with 20th-century secular theology. Unitarian Universalists have seven fundamental principles: 1) the inherent worth and dignity of every person; 2) justice, equity, and compassion in human relations; 3) acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations; 4) a free and responsible search for truth and meaning; 5) the right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large; 6) the goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all; and 7) respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part. These principles look remarkably similar to secular progressive liberal rhetoric, and for good reason. As Unitarian Universalism became pluralistic and no longer explicitly Christian, it lost whatever minuscule resistance to leftism it once had, and Conquest’s Second Law took effect as usual. Unitarians and Universalists were active in social reform movements during the 19th and 20th centuries, including slavery abolition, alcohol prohibition, women’s suffrage, feminism, civil rights, LGBTQ rights, environmentalism, and social justice. As the Unitarians in America became more secular, they formed a bridge between mainline Protestants and various types of radical leftists. The allegiance of these forces took some time, but was finally accomplished during the presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Their takeover of academia and the mainstream media after World War II led to their dominance in political life, so much so that non- or anti-Universalist ideas were steadily pushed outside of polite discourse and into the fever swamps of far-right conspiracy theorists. Only in the age of the Internet is this hegemony beginning to crack, though this may be partly attributable to backlash against the sheer extremity of the leftist vanguard, which is a natural consequence of their dominion. Read the entire article at ZerothPosition.com References: “What Is Christian Universalism?”. Auburn.edu. Knight, George T. (1953). The Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, vol. 12, p. 96. Calvin, John (1994). Institutes of the Christian Religion. Eerdmans. p. 2206. Allen, R. Michael (2010). Reformed Theology. Doing Theology. New York: T&T Clark. p. 100–1. Gregory A. Boyd (2001). “The Open Theism View”, in Divine Foreknowledge: Four Views, ed. James K. Beilby, Paul R. Eddy. InterVarsity. p. 14. McGrath, Alister E. (1990). A Life of John Calvin. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. p. 118–20. Breton, Albert (ed. 1995). Nationalism and Rationality. Cambridge University Press. p. 248. Engaging Our Theodiversity. Unitarian Universalist Association. Luke 16:19–31.

The post On Universalism, Genocide, and Libertarianism appeared first on The Zeroth Position.

Source: Reece Liberty.Me – On Universalism, Genocide, and Libertarianism

Happy Halloween!

Halloween, cartoon, politics, media, zombie, witch, frankenstein

Happy Halloween! Have a safe and fun time to those of you who enjoy the holiday. If you don’t, well – try not to get scared or creeped out by crazy Statists, zombie Leftists, devilish politicians and media ghouls. Also, don’t forget to check out the rest of our cartoons, libertarian artists interviews, cool t-shirts and a whole lot more from one of the world’s largest libertarian art sites! Our Store!

NPC, NPC mask, cutout, Halloween, costume, shirt, tshirt

Source: Libertopia Cartoon – Happy Halloween!

Self-determination rights, and India!

Assume that you live in a joint family system. You slog a lot, with few other members, and whereas the rest do not contribute in the same outcome of running the economy in this family. Yes, the rest may be adding respective values in their best capacity but they would not be interested to do more because they are dependent on you and few others without offering you any choice or option. Would you feel bad for seeing systematic infringement of your choices and consent, or would you plot to move out from this joint family because you feel that you would want your identity and autonomy to be protected and preserved? In some cases, you may assume that it is not right to move out because society’s peer pressure does not let you to separate yourself from your family. This case is a manifestation of false consciousness, and nothing else.

Analogically, at a larger level, India pretends nationalism (except when it comes to a media debate on Chinese foreign policy, cricket match with Pakistan and Australia, and special ‘patriotic’ occasions), and, on other days, Indians are usually immersed with caste-ism, divisive politics and social apathy. On a microscopic understanding, many Indians prefer regionalism as well as disintegration because they are not gratified with the centralization of power and unity. Chilling effect on this subject keeps their “free speech” under the desk of legal radar. If you disbelieve me, check the vox populi of “hoi polloi” on Kashmir issue, South India disgruntlement (Dravidianism), compulsion of regional linguisticism and socioeconomic circumvention of North Eastern India.

The best system is a decentralized society. That goes without saying. Constitutionally, India is blessed with clauses on power-sharing between central govt. and state govt. or decentralization, but not many Indians express empathy in general as there are many structural, functional and institutional barriers like regionalism, culture, social norms, literacy and history. This disintegrates the nation, unknowingly. “Unity in diversity” may be occasionally possible (surely, at the expense of gun point) but “Unity from diversity” is certainly impossible. Report me under the law of sedition and terrorism, but truth is truth (no matter how many statists disbelieve it). Continue reading “Self-determination rights, and India!”

Episode 100 – The Thing (1:12:03)

Robert and I get into the John Carpenter science-fiction horror set in Antarctica where you don’t know who you can trust, or even if you can trust yourself, The Thing!

We talk about the moral dilemma presented the characters who seemingly must choose between murdering their fellows or allowing a widespread epidemic that would wipe out humanity in short order.

We get into all sorts of nitty-gritty and we wind our way as far South as you can go.

In the winter of 1982, a twelve-man research team at a remote Antarctic research station discovers an alien buried in the snow for over 100,000 years. Soon unfrozen, the form-changing alien wreaks havoc, creates terror and begins killing the researchers one by one.

Never miss an episode. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts to get new episodes as they become available. Continue reading “Episode 100 – The Thing (1:12:03)”

Liberty Minecraft Quarterly: Autumn 2018

By Nathan Dempsey At the end of the 20th century, digital economies emerged on the Internet. Today, they also exist in virtual worlds. These economies offer freedoms which are suppressed by state violence. Virtual worlds can employ arbitrary rule sets which may or may not impose subsidies, taxes, price controls, respect for private property or self-ownership, among other norms. Virtual worlds may be operated as socioeconomic experiments in a cost-effective manner; a few hundred dollars instead of tens or hundreds of thousands. Experiments of this variety may be conducted ethically because participation is voluntary. In a virtual world, participant activity can be recorded easily, which offers a more complete data set for empirical analysis. In this way, virtual worlds offer a means to explore the adverse effect of state policies without risking large amounts of capital or human lives and freedoms. To achieve this goal, one must first establish a control condition as a baseline for comparison. In December 2015, I decided to create a demonstration of Austrian economics with libertarian ethics using the world’s best-selling computer game, Minecraft. Following two beta tests which failed to generate a profit, Liberty Minecraft’s official launch was in March 2017, and today it is a profit-generating proof of concept. In November 2017, I wrote “Building Liberty in Minecraft” for Zeroth Position in which we explored digital economies, Minecraft, and liberty. September 2018 marked the launch of a new world that offers several technical improvements. This article will be the first in a quarterly series of updates on the Liberty Minecraft project, and will explore three topics: is Liberty Minecraft a valid demonstration of Austrian economics and libertarian ethics, the differences between the Old World and the New World, and what has happened there so far. Is Liberty Minecraft Valid? Minecraft is not the real world. Minecraft items have familiar names; “Cooked Chicken” will satisfy “Hunger” and restore “Health,” but these names and their association to objects in the real world is completely illusory. Rather, in-game items offer some utility as a means to achieve goals, and this means that items in Minecraft can produce real incentive systems. Liberty Minecraft is not and is not intended to be a simulation of reality. However, the players involved and their freedom to express preferences are completely real. When real actors compete to acquire scarce means that satisfy ends, a real economy and society develops, even in a digital world. Liberty Minecraft is a game world which implements Austrian economics with libertarian ethics using smart contracts. Self-ownership, private property, commodity money, and trade are offered via computer code which executes on our game servers. The ‘physical laws’ of Liberty Minecraft are also enforced by computer code.[Footnote 1] The Rule of Liberty Minecraft A society will enjoy liberty whenever it abides by this rule: resolve nonviolent disputes nonviolently. This is the primary rule of Liberty Minecraft. Our players “must solve difficult problems without resorting to violence or threats of violence.”[1] I enforce this rule. Here, it is common for people to suggest that I have violently centralized power, that this decision abandons the free market for enforcement services, and therefore that Liberty Minecraft does not represent a libertarian society. Let us see why this is false. First, a person who rejects this rule cannot argue against being banned from Liberty Minecraft without committing a performative contradiction. Second, property owners are free to decide who can use their property, and I have decided that everyone who rejects my rule is not allowed to use my property. Third, I compete with thousands of server operators, and player participation on a Minecraft server is voluntary. Thus, I am accountable in the free market and will put valuable capital at risk by performing my functions poorly. This rule and its enforcement exist in a highly competitive market and are consistent with libertarian ethics and Austrian economics. In addition, there are two Terms of Use which are implied but stated in answer to common questions. The first term of use is “Read and understand the rules.” No one can abide by a rule which they have not read and do not understand. The second term is “Do not hack the server.” Hackers can change the rules, and permitting hacking would defeat the purpose of setting rules. Here I also list a promise: “Within Liberty Minecraft, I promise to protect land which is claimed using Claim Blocks.” This brings us to a second criticism of Liberty Minecraft. Read the entire article at ZerothPosition.com Footnote 1. One qualification must be added in every case because the game’s servers are not hardened against hacking or human fallibility. While I do perform regular backups to prepare for inevitable failures, I will ask that the reader mentally append all game rules and ‘physical’ laws with the qualification “…unless a hacker, operator incompetence, operator malice, or any combination of the above causes this to change.” I am the server operator. References: Woods, Tom (2018, June 26). “Ep. 1187: Private Property vs. No Private Property: The Results”. The Tom Woods Show. Machiavelli, Niccolo, and W. K. Marriott. The Prince (ch. 7). Project Gutenberg, 2017. Ibid, ch. 3.

The post Liberty Minecraft Quarterly: Autumn 2018 appeared first on The Zeroth Position.

Source: Reece Liberty.Me – Liberty Minecraft Quarterly: Autumn 2018

The Largest Secessionist Conference in America!

Secession, Nullification, Conference, 2018

Are you tired of people from another State halfway across the country trying to dictate to YOU on how they think you should live? Frustrated by all the left vs. right nonsense that happens every time another federal election rolls around? If so, perhaps it’s time to start thinking optimistically about the future through your state peacefully withdrawing from a broken and abusive relationship! Break free from the establishment propaganda, and discover the truth from such exciting voices in America like Michael Boldin, Donald Livingston, Dan Fisher, Allen Mendenhall, Jeff Deist, Kirkpatrick Sale and Marcus Ruiz Evans!

From Abbeville Institute: “The secession of 15 states from the Soviet Union in 1991 was the greatest peaceful revolution in modern history. Secession and decentralist movements are firmly entrenched throughout Europe. Discourse of secession and state interposition to federal tyranny is now mainstream in America on the left and right. Are we witnessing a paradigm shift away from runaway centralization? Join us for a thoughtful discussion of secession and the prospects for decentralization in the United States.”  Lectures and Discussion Saturday, November 10 beginning at 9 am, break for lunch and ending at 4:30. Conference fee is $95 includes lunch, coffee, and cost of speakers. For those arriving Friday evening there will be a “meet and greet the speakers” gathering in the Bond Room for an informal discussion of the topic–add $25 to Conference fee. You may register online by clicking HERE.

NOTE: Also, get your secession gear for the upcoming conference at the libertopia store (libertopia store and libertopia cartoons is unaffiliated with Abbeville Institute. This post is simply for informational purposes only)!

tshirt, t-shirt, wearable art, secede, independence, patriotism
Source: Libertopia Cartoon – The Largest Secessionist Conference in America!

Episode 99 – Swingers (1:07:38)

Robert and I double-down on one of the key movies of our formative years, the Vince Vaughn breakout film, Swingers. This is a fun romp of a movie that tests the boundaries of what could be done today and ended up being a quote-fest a la our Billy Madison or Lebowski episodes. I’m supposed to be impressed because he’s wearing a backpack. This episode is so money, and you don’t even know it.

Wannabe actors become regulars in the stylish neo-lounge scene; Trent teaches his friend Mike the unwritten rules of the scene.

SWINGERS Hip and hilarious – critics and audiences alike are raving about this must-see comedy hit that’s so money, it catapulted Vince Vaughn (THE BREAK-UP, WEDDING CRASHERS) and Jon Favreau (COUPLES RETREAT, IRON MAN) to stardom! It’s the laugh-out-loud look at a fun group of friends who spend their days looking for work and their nights in and out of Hollywood’s coolest after-hours hangouts! When the lovesick Mike (Jon Favreau) can’t seem to shake a relationship rut, his smooth, fast-talking buddy Trent (Vince Vaughn) decides he’ll do whatever it takes to show Mike a good time! Whether laughing over martinis in smoky cocktail lounges…or searching for beautiful babes on an outrageous road trip to Vegas, the young SWINGERS are determined to rewrite the rules of modern dating!

Never miss an episode. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts to get new episodes as they become available. Continue reading “Episode 99 – Swingers (1:07:38)”

Update On Production and Action Figure Sneak Peek

Hello, Voluntaryist fans!

I just wanted to take a moment to update you on the production process. I just got word that inked pages have started to get colors and lettering worked on, so the artwork is underway toward completion.

I also have a special teaser announcement: an action figure line is being developed for mass scale, so there will be an opportunity to get a posable Voluntaryist figure with unmatched quality – coming soon!

Voluntaryist Action Figure Presentation

You can look at the AMAZING work our producer, Short Fuse Media Group, has put into the figure design in this mock-up preview below:

Also, if looking for something unique to create for Halloween, check out the character page on Volcomic.com for some Voluntaryist hero cosplay inspiration: https://volcomic.com/supporting-character-list/

You can also get Voluntaryist-inspired gear to wear this Halloween at our RageOn! and Zazzle storefronts:

RageOn!: https://www.rageon.com/a/users/Voluntaryist

Zazzle: https://www.zazzle.com/sirevoluntary

Thank you again for your continued support in bringing this comic project to life!

In liberty,

-J ( :

Source: Volcomic – Update On Production and Action Figure Sneak Peek