Voluntaryist Origins II – Sneak Peek 5

Hello, Voluntaryist fans!

Thank you again for your patience in the adjusted delivery timeline for Voluntaryist Origins II! I am excited to share with you this next sneak peek with flatting colors!

I have been told by Short Fuse that they are nearing completion with colors and I should be getting them in full later this week.

Looking forward to sharing a detailed colored cell with you next!

In liberty,

-J ( :

voluntaryist origins II sneak peek 5

Source: Volcomic – Voluntaryist Origins II – Sneak Peek 5


I remember seeing this cute little meme posted, without irony, on facebook a couple years ago.

Related image
Clearly the fact that the picture highlighted the failure of a state program escaped the OP.

More seriously though, it’s hard to see how the removal of snow would pose any problem for the private sector at all. Some entrepreneur (or community serviceman reprisenting a nonprofit organisation) comes round the neighbourhood and asks if people are willing to contribute however much (or little) would be necessary to insure them against heavy snows. If necesseary, the organisation could draft a contract which says if the necessary amount of people to fund the program is not reached, the people who agree do not have to pay.

Everyone who does pay up gets placed on a register, and gets a nice big siver snow-flake medallion to put on their mailbox or gate to show off to their neighbours that they have contributed. If some people can’t afford to pay they can be offered a discount rate, or perhaps they could be included on register in return for agreeing to volunteer for the snow removers should their help ever be needed.

If people choose not to buy into the system, when the snow falls eventually come, the company will drive by houses that are not on their register and don’t have a snow medallion on display, or they will bill them out of pocket for a far larger sum than the original insurance fee to clear their driveway, offsetting the costs for everyone else. Perhaps they will think better in future. Even so, they will not necessarily be stranded – they can pay the neighbours children to take shovels and clear it like in the old days.

Problem solved.

Similar arrangements could be made for other services considered “public goods”, like municipal garbage removal. For things like street lighting, which are near impossible to exclude those who do not pay for provision of, the medallion system would allow neighbours to apply social pressure to free riders without applying the use of coercion to subtract funds. Those who don’t have theirs on display might attract disapproving looks, or have people round saying, “hey man, you are taking money out of everyone’s pocket, when everyone pays, everyone pays less.” With the technology we have today, it would be easier than ever to apply pressure to those who shirked the responsibility of sharing in the costs of local services they benefit from. The local shop could choose not to serve them and they may need to drive further to the supermarket which will not be worth the hassel of not buying a medallion. Their neighbours could choose not to allow them to collectively buy other services unless they paid in, meaning they would have to make their own arrangements which would prove costlier than choosing not to cooperate.

Source: Seeing Not Seen – Snow

HOT off the PRESS!!! Meet Antifa Al and Lester the Lincoln Lover!

snowflake buddies, leftism, parody, satire, cartoon, graphic novelHot Off the Press! It’s Our First Book from Shotwell Publishing!

Frustrated? Annoyed? Tired of establishment elitists not listening to YOU? If so, find your favorite safespace and curl up with 30 AMAZING full-color illustrated pages of satire and wit! You and your favorite little Leftist will LOVE laughing and learning the ABCs together with our hilarious Snowflake Buddies (like Antifa Al and Lester the Lincoln Lover) and clever rhymes.

But wait… THERE’S MORE! As an added bonus, you will learn more about how Leftism is shaping our world today with 12 super fun activity pages that includes an anti-capitalist maze, social justice warrior approved color pages, a word search, Captain Communist, cool Leftist glasses and other great surprises!

So what are you waiting for? See for yourself why the Society of the Golden Pacifier calls the ABCs OF LEFTISM “one of the most important works for Leftists!”
Also includes “The Left Edge of Insanity” – a dystopian short story as it appeared on LewRockwell.com and abbevilleinstitute.org!

WOW!!! Order the Print Edition Here!

AWESOME!!! Order the Kindle Edition Here!

By the way, if you love our book – please leave a review on amazon! Also share on social media and help us get the word out 🙂 Thanks!!!

Source: Libertopia Cartoon – HOT off the PRESS!!! Meet Antifa Al and Lester the Lincoln Lover!

Episode 104 – Wreck-it Ralph (1:08:37)

We’re gonna wreck it! It’s what we do here on the show, we’re going to wreck Wreck-it Ralph and let you in on some little-known background information that is the keystone to understanding the true perpetrators when it comes to the good vs. bad labels.

Ralph sets out to prove that he is a true hero with a big heart.

Wreck-It Ralph (voice of Reilly) longs to be as beloved as his game’s perfect Good Guy, Fix-It Felix (voice of McBrayer). Problem is, nobody loves a Bad Guy. But they do love heroes… so when a modern, first-person shooter game arrives featuring tough-as-nails Sergeant Calhoun (voice of Lynch), Ralph sees it as his ticket to heroism and happiness. He sneaks into the game with a simple plan — win a medal — but soon wrecks everything, and accidentally unleashes a deadly enemy that threatens every game in the arcade. Ralph’s only hope? Vanellope von Schweetz (voice of Silverman), a young troublemaking “glitch” from a candy-coated cart racing game who might just be the one to teach Ralph what it means to be a Good Guy. But will he realize he is good enough to become a hero before it’s “Game Over” for the entire arcade?

Also, there might still be some deals available for Black Friday/Cyber Monday:


Tuesday is a supporting charity day, and Facebook and PayPal are matching donations up to $7 million dollars total, so if you are so inclined, I’ve also put up a match and invite you to support the Ludwig von Mises Institute along with me (and FB and PP – hahahaha!):


Never miss an episode. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts to get new episodes as they become available. Continue reading “Episode 104 – Wreck-it Ralph (1:08:37)”

The Economic Fallacies of Black Friday: 2018 Edition

Today, shoppers across America will participate in the largest shopping day of the year: Black Friday. The National Retail Federation is estimating that 164 million customers will be shopping between Thanksgiving Day and Cyber Monday. This estimate is unchanged from 2017. The actual result from 2017 was 174 million between Thanksgiving and Monday. A similar adjustment to the predicted value for 2018 would mean 174 million actual shoppers. The NRF estimates that total sales for the holiday season will be between $717.45 billion and $720.89 billion, up from $687.87 billion in 2017. This would be an annual increase of 4.3 to 4.8 percent. The estimate for 2016 was between $678.75 billion and $682 billion, suggesting that the total sales for 2018 may be closer to $727.09 billion. This year, the NRF estimates that retailers will hire between 585,000 and 650,000 seasonal employees, compared with the actual 582,500 they hired during the 2017 holiday season versus an estimate of 500,000 to 550,000. We may therefore expect that retailers will actually hire about 685,000 seasonal employees. On the surface, this may appear to be a marvelous celebration of free market capitalism. But let us look deeper through the lenses of the broken window fallacy and the idea of malinvestment. To view holiday shopping as a boost to the economy ignores the fact that people could either be spending that money in other ways or saving it. In other words, such an approach is an example of the broken window fallacy because it focuses only on what is seen and ignores opportunity costs. If people would save their money rather than spending it on various holiday gifts, then this money would be invested in one thing or another. As Henry Hazlitt explains in Chapter 23 of Economics in One Lesson, saving is really just another form of spending, and one that has a greater tendency to allocate resources where they are most needed. Read the entire article at ZerothPosition.com

The post The Economic Fallacies of Black Friday: 2018 Edition appeared first on The Zeroth Position.

Source: Reece Liberty.Me – The Economic Fallacies of Black Friday: 2018 Edition

Let’s see the forest for the trees, part 2

“Religious liberty might be supposed to mean that everybody is free to discuss religion. In practice it means that hardly anybody is allowed to mention it.”
— G.K. Chesteron

Just as the “tree of guilt” obstructs our view of the forest (as discussed in Part 1), its roots run deep, establishing a wild entanglement, strong and tall in its unyielding efforts to block truth. My contention here is that not only is American Jewish identity overwhelmingly secular-progressive, but that its foundation is steeped in anti-Christian bias and is often abetted by Christians themselves. So let’s keep digging.

Before the 1960s, the Holocaust “was blamed not even on all the Germans, as is often the case today, but on the Nazis, who were seen as neo-pagans,” explains author and professor Paul Gottfried. “Pius XII is transformed from friend of the Jews to a villain … who conspired to wipe out European Jewry.”

“The ‘good people’ become those who suffer with the Jews,” Gottfried continues. It’s a post-modern “faith” based upon the self-imposed moral superiority of the “oppressed,” and the empathy and submission of the “oppressors.” And according to Tel Aviv University history professor Shlomo Sand, the “Holocaust industry” is booming.

That’s why many American cities have Holocaust museums but no Great Leap Forward museums, even though Mao Zedong killed 39 million more humans than did Hitler. Emphasizing the crimes of a duly elected “right wing” national-socialist and ignoring the atrocities of a communist dictator propels the cultural-Marxist narrative.

This ideology is extended to “preferred victims,” specifically black people, women, Hispanics, LGBT, and Muslims, who “become allies and come to see themselves in a common struggle against Nazism, which is linked to fascism, which is linked to the ‘right,’ and which is finally linked to white Christian society,” Gottfried asserts.

No matter the issue, leftist Christians always serve up the sacred cow of the Holocaust, usually adding in slavery for additional potency and flavor. It’s the double whammy of moral preening veiled as salt and righteousness (see image at left, which comes from the comment section of this guilt-inducing article about an open-borders pastor).

It was during the transformative ’60s that synagogues began to change. Images of concentration camps replaced ancient symbols. Many of the sacred aspects of American Judaism were pushed to the back seat, while the new political religion of leftism took the wheel. And at its core wasn’t God, but the false deity of victimhood.

It’s a dogma, which is predominantly socialist economically and liberal culturally. This is how the oddly named Tree of Life came to be doing a bris (the Jewish rite of male circumcision) for the adopted twins of a gay couple (the newfound progressive rite of a “rainbow family”).

It’s similar to the the cultural-Marxist creep within Christianity and why the Evangeleftist and Ameridox foot-soldiers incessantly focus on slavery and the revenge-veiled-as-love movement known as “racial reconciliation.” The modern contextualization of history portrayed as biblical teaching becomes fodder for the necessary social change the activists seek, both within and outside of the church.

Other left-wing secular “reforms” pushed as biblical truths include rallying for women in the clergy to end misogyny, refugee rights to confront white supremacy, gay marriage to prove Jesus’ love, extreme environmentalism to exhibit green stewardship, and high taxes and welfare programs to fight poverty. Typical platitudes with predictable liberal solutions, but they are enemies of the good when portrayed as gospel issues.

Similar to the progressive sell-out within American Judaism, what commonly defined American Protestant worship even just a few decades ago has vanished in many congregations. Saccharine pop songs have replaced hymns and historic rituals are lost to feel-good “community groups.”

Skinny-jean-wearing male preachers are more Dr. Phil than John Calvin, and rainbow-scarved female pastors are more Betty Friedan than John Wesley. Jesus is often an after-thought. He’s more “friend” than all-powerful, earth-trembling, life-giving Lord and Savior – that is, if He’s mentioned at all.

Thus, modern Western Christianity becomes a self-help program and twists the faith to meet immediate emotional wants and carnal perversions, as opposed to radically transforming you by virtue of putting your desires and your whole life at the foot of the Cross. You become a slave to sin, and then wonder why your fruits aren’t flourishing.

“Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.”
― Gustav Mahler

It’s individualist libertinism, not Christian liberty. It’s moral relativism, not moral truth. It is cosmic lawlessness, not natural law. And the devaluing of liturgy and the rites of apostolic history opened this Pandora’s Box. Tradition is the enemy of progressivism after all.

Ever since Vatican II, the progressive floodgates within Roman Catholicism were wedged opened, allowing Pope Francis to claim “social justice” as the banner for his church, not theology, which he allegedly said was “boring.” (American Orthodoxy also has its share of leftist pet issues, but with traditions and time-honored mores still central to sacred worship, much of this nonsense is kept at bay, thankfully.)

Likewise, American Judaism is not immune to this progressive poison. And with the chipping away of venerable customs, the secularization and leftist co-opting of the ancient faith has of course had deleterious effects in synagogues.

“Many of the ritual practices, the observances of Jews within a typical Jewish community are no longer kept,” Gottfried explains. “What binds them together is the sense of an enemy: white Christian society. (It’s) a lie on the scale with Nazi lies.”

According to Gottfried, Abe Foxman, 28-year national director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), once remarked, “In 50 years, we can feel safe when American is no longer a white Christian country.” And the Israeli newspaper Haaretz wrote of Foxman’s foreboding warnings of conservative efforts to “Christianize America.” Perhaps his cautionary counsel has already taken hold in post-Christian America.

If this all sounds outlandish, just peruse Foxman’s book Never Again?: The Threat of the New Anti-Semitism. (And don’t buy it, for goodness sake. Just thumb through it at your local bookstore, where it will most likely be in the “religion” section, even though it’s a secular screed.)

In it, Foxman indicts the New Testament as the leading cause of pogroms and the mass murder of Jews, and asserts that scholars “have traced a direct line from ancient Christian teachings on Jews and Judaism to the death camps of Hitler.” He even attacks St. John Chrysostom, who authored the Divine Liturgy we Orthodox Christians celebrate most Sundays.

Chrysostom “ordered Christians to launch violent attacks against the Jews, which many soon did,” claims Foxman. Nope, Chrysostom fervently spoke out against the heresy of Judaizing Christians, Jews’ blaspheming of Christ, and Jewish persecution of Christians, which was common in the 4th century.

Hey, but I thought Christians were always the oppressors? Hmm. That’s what the media, academia, and Foxman tell me. Damn facts. But more importantly, Chrysostom’s criticisms were based purely on theology, not on race or ethnicity. That’s fair game, people.

Saul of Tarsus, the Christian-killing Pharisee, receives Jesus’ commission to be His messenger to the Gentiles.

Foxman’s anti-Christian beliefs are mirrored in the Jerusalem Post by American-Jewish blogger David Turner. Anti-Semitism is founded upon “the canon of universal Christianity … while the epistles of Paul provide the inspiration for anti-Judaism, two gospels in particular, Matthew and John … provide the inspiration for anti-Judaism … from Augustine in the 4th century to Martin Luther eleven hundred years later” to today.

“The gospel story, which has generated more anti-Semitism than the sum of all the other anti-Semitic writings ever written, created the climate in Christian Europe that led to the Holocaust,” writes author Charles Patterson. “Long before the rise of Adolf Hitler, the gospel story about the life and death of Jesus had poisoned the bloodstream of European civilization.”

“It was in (the) Pauline Church, from which later Christianity derives, that anti-Semitism arose,” alleges Jewish and Talmudic scholar Hyam Maccoby in Antisemitism and Modernity. Sure, Jews can say the Trinity is mythical, if they want, because that’s a religious difference. But slandering the Holy Bible in this invective manner is outrageous.

“Hitler’s intention was to achieve a final solution to a Jewish Problem born two millennia before with the first century Pauline and gospel texts.”
David Turner

Christian dispensationalist scholars make similar claims. The New Testament is anti-Semitic due to its “strong polemic against Israel,” remarks David K. Lowery, professor at Dallas Theological Seminary, in Navigating the Book of Revelation by Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr.

Dispensationalism was developed in Ireland by Plymouth Brethren teacher John Nelson Darby. It’s a puritanical movement that spread throughout the U.K. and finally arrived in America by the mid-1800s.

It purports that after “the rapture,” godly appointed Jews will become intercessors to Christians – kind of a go-between between gentiles and Heaven, since the dispensational view is that the Christian Church is “an interruption in God’s divine contract with the Jewish people.”

The Jews will then accept Christ as Messiah and be restored to the Promised Land. This “remnant” will work to convert unbelievers and thusly serve as God’s agent for the salvation of non-Jews.

“The American confusion on eschatology is so tied to confusion over Israel,” explains Gentry, a former dispensationalist and retired Presbyterian minister. And by that he means the dispensationalists’ belief that the political State of Israel is considered by many Fundamentalist Christians as the same Israel of the Bible. They see the modern political entity as necessary for the salvation of gentiles.

You may hear them saying, “The Jews are God’s Chosen People,” or “Israel must be occupied in order to be in conformity with God’s will.” This is why so many “conservative” Evangelicals are passionately pro-Israel and fanatically Zionist, and why they see no conflict of interest when people who wield considerable power within the federal government have U.S.-Israeli dual citizenship.

Interestingly, Fundamentalists embraced the “Jewish homeland” position in the 19th century as a defense against liberal theology and modernism, yet they now ally unquestionably with the present-day Israel – an earthly, socialist, non-Christian ethnostate. A shocking 82% of white American Evangelicals think Israel is land bestowed by God unto the Jews, in contrast with only 19% of Israel-born-and-raised Christians.

Yet, most other Christians around the world don’t literally interpret the biblical Israel with the current ethnic state. Rather, we understand “Israel” to be the universal Christian Church, which is based upon Jesus as the New Covenant, the fulfillment of the Law. A Holy nation for Jew and Gentile, both of whom can attain the gift of salvation through belief in Him: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Even though “Zion” appears more 150 times in the Bible as a geographic locale, we Orthodox consider Zion as a referencing of the coming Lord’s spiritual kingdom, of which Jesus is the cornerstone. It’s the heavenly city of God, and it will be restored by Christ as the new Jerusalem.

So, when Foxman and other secular-progressive Jews, ill-informed Christians, and neoconservatives equate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism, what are on God’s green earth are they talking about? What is this Zionism of which they speak?

Here is a succinct explanation of Zionism by the Torah Jews, an organization of Jewish people who think the State of Israel “denies the very essence of our Diaspora existence.” Further,  they say Zionism has “created a pseudo-Judaism which views the essence of our identity to be a secular nationalism” and seeks “to replace a Divine and Torah-centered understanding of our peoplehood with an armed materialism.”

It’s a long and complicated history, but many honest Jews and non-Jews alike define the leftist movement as a purely political and don’t even consider its roots Judaic. You’d never know that by consuming corporate media.

“No, Zionism is not Jewish in origin,” remarks Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro. “Early Zionists, such as Israel Zangwill, said that Jews could be Christians or Muslims by religion, since Jewishness would be a national, not religious identity.”

“Centuries before (Moses) Hess or (Theodor) Herzl were born, the Evangelicals already created and pursued Zionist ideology,” he adds. “Incredibly, Jewish Zionists have adopted Christian interpretation of the scriptures, abandoning Jewish ones, to garner support from Christian Evangelicals, Zionism’s strongest supporters.”

When Benjamin Netanyahu spoke at Auschwitz, continues Shapiro, he “publicly repeated an interpretation of Ezekiel 37 – the prophecy of the ‘Dry Bones,’ applying it to the State of Israel, an interpretation found in no Jewish source – indeed, it contradicts Judaic doctrine – and was invented by the Reverend Charles Haddon Spurgeon in 1864! And repeated by Evangelicals such as John Hagee.”

In fact, a 2013 Pew survey resulted in this surprising data (see graphic at right). “Some of the discrepancy is attributable to Jews’ lower levels of belief in God overall; virtually all Evangelicals say they believe in God, compared with 72% of Jews,” Pew’s Michael Lipka explains. “White Evangelical Protestants also are more likely than Jews to favor stronger U.S. support of Israel.” Duh.

Many Orthodox Jews are concerned that Zionism inspires people to care more about the political “religion” of Zionism than they do the Torah. Of note, Israel’s Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi David Lau would not even refer to Tree of Life as a “synagogue,” instead calling it “a place of clear Jewish character.” And in Israel, Jews consider both culture and ancestry as vital to their people, but religion, eh, not so much.

Because of the collectivist-segregationist ideology of being a “Jewish state,” Israel endangers Jews all over the world, claims rabbis Shapiro, Lau, and other anti-Zionist Jews. But it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. Keep Jewish people thinking they’re perpetual victims; this fosters guilt among gentiles, and in turn serves the aims of the secular-progressives.

Tel Aviv University’s’ Kantor Center has the largest database of anti-Semitic data in the world – and they’re scientists, not activists with an agenda like the ADL,” Shapiro remarks. “And every report that they release says the same story: because people conflate Israel with Jews, when people are upset with Israel, Jews all over the world get hurt.”

“I do believe Zionists and Israelis have committed injustices and even heinous crimes against the Palestinians,”  remarks economist Gene Epstein. “But my pride in being Jewish is not diminished by this knowledge any more than knowing about the even greater crimes of the U.S. government diminishes my pride in being American.”

I, like Epstein, believe we can feel pride for our people, whoever they happen to be, without letting that emotion cloud our judgment. So, let’s continue to focus on a few more “trees” – like what even is anti-Semitism, the Frankfurt School, and a neocon? – as we try to get a better view of the “forest” in Part 3. Stay tuned, sacred-cow smashers!

Source: Dissident Mama – Let’s see the forest for the trees, part 2

Black Friday 2018 Deals

If you’d like to make cool videos like this one, check out: https://www.actualanarchy.com/makecoolvideos

As we mentioned on the show, we’ve got a bunch of deals to launch in your direction.

In fact, we have so many that we thought it would be better to have just one landing page for you to check out. We will update this over the next few days as we become aware of or negotiate more deals for you.

In this time of thanksgiving, we also want to say thank you for being a listener of the show. We have been at this for a few years now and it’s really the engagement and Patreon support that keeps us coming back for you. We appreciate you.

While you’re here, if you wouldn’t mind doing us a small favor or three:

1. Leave us a review on iTunes or your favorite podcast app
2. Subscribe to us on the YouTube
3. Like us on the ol’ FacistBook (I mean Facebook)
4. Follow us on that Twitterer

Doing these small things can help us expand our reach so that more people can get exposure to these ideas and just maybe, maybe be the spark that gets them on the side of true liberty.

And, just in case you need some tips on how to survive the holidays with your statist family and friends, be sure to check out this video made by us and our fellow members of the Libertarian Union.

Continue reading “Black Friday 2018 Deals”

Episode 103 – American Made (59:50)

Thanks for sticking with us as we are fixin’ to unpack a Turducken of an episode in preparation for the Thanksgiving week.

This week’s show is about the Tom Cruise movie, American Made, where the questions of legality somehow apply differently if you’re doing it for the “good” guys.

This international escapade is based on the outrageous, true exploits of a hustler and pilot recruited to run one of the biggest covert operations in U.S. history. Based on an incredible true story of the CIA’s biggest secret.

Barry Seal is an impetuous and bored pilot who gets leveraged into doing more and more compromising activities for the CIA, the Contras in Nicaragua, and the Medellín Cartel down in Colombia. Once they get their foot in the door, there’s no way out for our hero.

As this is our Thanksgiving episode, we’d be remiss to not launch some deals in your direction.


Never miss an episode. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts to get new episodes as they become available. Continue reading “Episode 103 – American Made (59:50)”

The Doors to Government Waste

“Five to one, baby
One in five
No one here gets out alive, now
You get yours, baby
I’ll get mine
Gonna make it, baby
If we try”

– Jim Morrison

Was he talking about how many dollars that make it through the bureaucracy, administration, misallocation, and graft to actually get spent on the “problem” government is intending to fix?

Probably not, but still, it’s an interesting statistic, and one I have been using on some “Democratic Socialists” lately who seem to think that “pooling everyone’s dollars together will create economies of scale” like Obama claimed when he was promoting Obamacare.

Extrapolating a bit, since people have preferences and they have scarce resources, they have to have an ordinal preference scale as to what they will devote said resources to.  With fewer of their resources available to them, they must forgo their next highest valued desires and do without.

When you take away 30-50% of those resources, they now can satisfy fewer of those preferences (ie: things they would rather have done with those resources).

And remember, once the government gets their hands on the funds…only 20% of the money actually goes toward “solving” whatever problem the program was created to “fix”.

So, half of human desire unfulfilled and then an 80% loss on top which makes us all worse off.

Various sources:

James Rolph Edwards, “The Cost of Public Income Redistribution and Private Charity,” Journal of Libertarian Studies 21 (Summer 2007); 8-9.

