War Guilt in the Middle East

By Murray N. Rothbard

The trouble with sectarians, whether they be libertarians, Marxists, or world-governmentalists, is that they tend to rest content with the root cause of any problem, and never bother themselves with the more detailed or proximate causes. The best, and almost ludicrous, example of blind, unintelligent sectarianism is the Socialist Labor Party, a venerable party with no impact whatsoever on American life. To any problem that the state of the world might pose: unemployment, automation. Vietnam, nuclear testing, or whatever, the SLP simply repeats, parrotlike: “Adopt socialism.” Since capitalism is allegedly the root cause of all these and other problems, only socialism will whisk them away, Period. In this way the sectarian, even if his spotting of the ultimate root cause should be correct, isolates himself from all problems of the real world, and, in further irony, keeps himself from having any impact toward the ultimate goal he cherishes.

On the question of war guilt, whatever the war, sectarianism raises its ugly, uninformed head far beyond the stagnant reaches of the Socialist Labor Party. Libertarians, Marxists, world-governmentalists. each from their different perspective, have a built-in tendency to avoid hothering about the detailed pros and cons of any given conflict. Each of them knows that the root cause of war is the nation State system; given the existence of this system, wars will always occur, and all States will share in that guilt. The libertarian, in particular, knows that States, without exception, aggress against their citizens, and knows also that in all wars each State aggresses against innocent civilians “belonging” to the other State.

Now this kind of insight into the root cause of war and aggression, and into the nature of thestateitself, is all well and good, and vitally necessary for insight into the world condition. But the trouble is that the libertarian tends to stop there. and evading the responsibility of knowing what is going on in any specific war or international conflict, he tends to leap unjustifiably to the conclusion that, in any war, all States are equallv guilty, and then to go about his business without giving the matter a second thought. In short, the libertarian (and the Marxist, and the world government partisan) tends to dig himself into a comfortable ‘Third Camp” position, putting equal blame on all sides to any conflict, and letting it go at that. This is a comfortable position to take because it doesn’t really alienate the partisans of either side. Both sides in any war will write this man off as a hopelessly “idealistic” and out-of-it sectarian. a man who is even rather lovable because he simply parrots his “pure” position without informing himself or taking sides on whatever war is raging in the world. In short, both sides will tolerate the sectarian precisely because he is irrelevant, and because his irrelevancy guarantees that he makes no impact on the course of events or on public opinion about these events.

No: Libertarians must come to realize that parroting ultimate principles is not enough for coping with the real world. Just because all sides share in the ultimate State-guilt, does not mean that all sides are equally guilty. On the contrary, in virtually every war, one side is far more guilty than the other, and on one side must be pinned the basic responsibility for aggression, for a drive for conquest, etc. But in order to find out which side to any war is the more guilty, we have to inform ourselves in depth about the history of that conflict, and that takes time and thought–and it also takes the ultimate willingness to become relevant by taking sides through pinning a greaterdegree of guilt on one side or the other.

So–let us become relevant; and, with that in mind, let us examine the root historical causes of the chronic as well as the current acute crisis in the Middle East; and let us do chis with a view to discovering and assessing the Guilty. Continue reading “War Guilt in the Middle East”

It Has Happened Here…

How Foreign Interventionism ‘Paves the way’ for Domestic Fascism

By Hinton Bowers

1918, as the guns of Europe fell silent in what would be remembered as one of the most horrific wars in human history; half a world away at the New York Central Railroad, out of the ‘hustle and bustle’ of the morning commute, rose a gigantic black pyramid.

(AP Photo)

Under a statue of ‘Nike‘ the Greek goddess of victory: 12,000 German ‘Pickelhaubes’ (Helmets) were stacked in triumph; adorned with flags, columns, cannons, and ornamental eagles…

The entire presentation seemed to shout out,

“The state triumphant!”

This was pageantry of the first order, Mussolini or Stalin would have been proud; had they been American.

It’s claimed that all the assembled gear came from a warehouse in Germany. But symbolic or not, for me, it’s difficult to look at those helmets without imagining the individuals who might have worn them, or how they may have died…

Reminiscent of an American western, these ‘symbolic scalps’ were displayed proudly for weeks.

“But Hinton, fascism could never happen in America.”

“But reader, it already has, it’s happened before…” Continue reading “It Has Happened Here…”

Public Schools: State sponsored child abuse!

Public education is state sponsored child abuse. There I said it.

Now for confession time, I was a public school teacher for ten years. That’s right! I participated in this evil, vile system designed to destroy the innate curiosity of children and force them into boxes that result in a compliant populous.

Some of you are sitting there saying, “Lystoy you are right about politicians, you are right about double standards, you are probably even right about the pay-gap. But man you have lost it here. Schools suck, but state sponsored child abuse? C’mon, buy a clue.”

Okay, I suppose it all depends on how you classify child abuse.

  • Would forcing a child to sit still for hours on end be classified as child abuse?
  • How about forcing students to take highly structured tests that last hours each day for ten consecutive days?
  • How about locking them inside and only allowing them to play for 20 minutes in 6 hours?
  • How about punishing them for age appropriate behavior?
  • How about teaching them the party line and disallowing independent thought?

Continue reading “Public Schools: State sponsored child abuse!”

Fake News About Sweden Gives Aid and Comfort to Socialists

By Anarcho-Viking

In lieu of the “fake news” hysteria invented by the left “liberals” after their excruciating defeat in the recent 2016 elections, let us take a close look at some actual fake news that has been circulating in social media lately. The circulating myth that I’m referring to is a short video about Sweden generating the false narrative of a government mandate, passed to enforce a compulsory transition from an eight hour work day to a six hour work day. It is difficult to decide what the most upsetting part of the video is, the fact that it’s a flat out lie, or the indisputable ignorance in regards to the laws of economics as well as the economic history in Sweden, from people displaying support for such legislation.

It’s not a huge surprise that misinformation like this gains traction in social media outlets. After all, it does give aid and comfort, even though it’s a false sense of comfort, to socialists who champion a failed ideology, which should have been thrown in the dustbin of history. The minions of Karl Marx are desperate and they will latch on to anything they can these days, and they certainly won’t let the truth or empirical evidence stand in their way.

It is very popular, to say the least, for Bernie Sanders supporters and other left wing liberals to point to Sweden as a successful case of democratic socialism, but the rationale behind this conclusion is astonishingly trivial. These people will look at a snapshot in time, namely the present economic and social conditions in Sweden, and they will not spend an ounce of energy to research the historical actions by the Swedish people, leading up to the current situation.

Continue reading “Fake News About Sweden Gives Aid and Comfort to Socialists”


How Political Violence Makes Us All Slaves

By Hinton Bowers

Slavery was always a hotly contested and controversial issue going back to the founding of the US republic. It’s detractors claiming, rightly, that it denies not just life, or liberty, or the pursuit of happiness, but all three.

These tensions eventually helped lead to the outbreak of state violence known as the American Civil War, but it was arguably precipitated by a very personal event in the spring of 1856…

Out-spoken abolitionist Charles Sumner, a senator from Massachusetts, had changed his party several times over the issue of slavery. Though abolitionists were generally disliked by the public ‘at large’ for inflaming tensions between the north and the south; on this day,  and perhaps unwittingly, Sumner instigated once again for personal liberty. By giving his famous CRIME AGAINST KANSAS speech, he was attempting to block the state-sanctioned expansion of slavery into that territory. Sumner’s speeches were usually fiery and this one was no exception, but then Sumner said something a little different:

“The senator from South Carolina has read many books of chivalry, and believes himself a chivalrous knight with sentiments of honor and courage. Of course he has chosen a mistress — who, though ugly to others, is always lovely to him; — I mean the harlot, slavery.”

Targeting a sponsor of the Kansas pro-slavery bill, Sumner went personal, attacking Andrew Butler, accusing him of both delusion and sexual deviance, this ‘ruffled the feathers’ of many, but as history would record, it was Butlers’ cousin who would take it the most personally… Continue reading “USE YOUR WORDS”

Feeling overweight? Try the Socialism Diet

By Kirk D.

A recent survey (ENCOVI 2016) conducted in Venezuela found that a staggering 81% of “Venezuelan households are now living in income poverty;” a figure that has risen nearly five percent since 2015. It’s no surprise that Venezuelans are starving, but the ENCOVI survey also found that the average Venezuelan has lost an average of about 19 pounds; many eating two or less meals per day. Venezuela was never known for its obesity problem but many people there don’t really have an extra 19 pounds to lose. For some, poverty has gotten so bad that food truck robberies are becoming frequent and even zoo animals are being butchered and eaten.

In 1998, with the election of Hugo Chavez, Venezuela decided to give socialism a try. What could go wrong? And now, nearly two decades later Venezuela is on the verge of collapse. The Venezuelan currency hit an all time low when government realized it didn’t have enough money to pay for its own money. Last year President Maduro decided to scrap the country’s most used currency bill, but when citizens scrambled to get to banks to exchange their soon-to-be unusable bills, the new denominations never arrived, causing further looting and riots. Maduro then said that the old 100-bolivar bills can be used until February 2017, but confidence is low considering ongoing chaos the country has faced in recent years.

But I don’t know what’s more frightening, the fact that socialism can and usually does cause such disparities or that such a large number of Americans, millennials in particular, are showing more affinity for it by the day. But one New York Times survey from 2010 found that 16% of millennials can even properly define what socialism is, nor do they understand any of its basic tenants. Essentially, they have no idea what they’re talking about but they know they want free stuff. My guess is that if another survey was taken this year that percentage would go down even lower. For now it appears that our only hope for survival as a nation rests on Generation Z, as millennials have proven themselves to be generally drunk behind the social wheel. So ‘help us Generation Z; you’re our only hope.’

The Confusion Between Government and Society

By Andrew Kern of the Principled Libertarian

Being a commonly misunderstood fellow, I am often wrongly accused of many things. The number of times I have been accused of wanting to get rid of roads is uncountable and the times I have been thought of as selfish or uncaring on account of my apprehension to support government welfare is likely nearly as many.

Many people will say things like, “We can do better as a society” – or – “We need to help those in need.” It is a considerable misconception to think I disagree with these statements.

Frédéric Bastiat summed it up well:

Frédéric Bastiat

“Socialism, like the ancient ideas from which it springs, confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all. We disapprove of state education. Then the socialists say that we are opposed to any education. We object to a state religion. Then the socialists say that we want no religion at all. We object to a state-enforced equality. Then they say that we are against equality. And so on, and so on. It is as if the socialists were to accuse us of not wanting persons to eat because we do not want the state to raise grain.”

Society is a group of people who work together for the benefit of one another. Government is an organization that interferes in society. Continue reading “The Confusion Between Government and Society”