
In today’s epoch of uncertain economies, messonomics is a revision of old discipline. It’s an un-scientific discipline celebrated by the unaccountable and unquestionable political class to procure and create primary “economical” decisions with an intent to generate and sustain mess. In simple words, messonomics is an art of doing economics by creating mess out of simplicity. Power of it is dependent upon abundant supply of nescience in the economy. Anything that is scientific or logical should be deemed as “illegal” because moral sense is a threat to the grammar of messonomics. If few dissents arrive at a conclusion that “your economic thinking is factually incorrect” then it becomes a parliamentary duty to judge their propaganda a.k.a approach as “voodoo economics”. Basically, the mess created due to governmental failure is always constitutional, right, logical and legitimate.

 To refer Indian economy as a modern example of messonomics, demonetisation could be considered as a perfect illustration. The process was more political than economical, in nature. If it were economical, information asymmetry could have been avoided. But, unfortunately, the government led by PM Narendra Modi opted to mess with the property rights of its own citizens or voters. Messonomics of demonetisation would tell you that PM Modi simply nationalized the personal cash holdings, just like how late “socialist” Nehru nationalised industries and his late daughter Indira nationalised the banks. The government is such an institution, in our society, that enjoys unchecked power on monopoly on laws, rules, force and violence. Consent is another threat to the grammar of messonomics. If the economics of choice and consent is taken into being, messonomics would lose its coercive power and credibility. Basically, messonomics is not a manifestation of rocket science but a reflection of various logical fallacies in the subject of economics.

On academic level, using gibberish words and Keynesian school of thought, selling messonomics to students is quite easier than it was. Most of them don’t understand economics, in general, and most of them don’t have to understand economics, in peculiar. The reason is that messonomics is a norm in academic as well as public sphere. Many messonomic journals or research papers deal with the volume of pages (that nobody reads), followed by “interdisciplinary” prolusion of mathematics, anthropology and sociology…which led to further devolution of economics. If this is not how you master the art of messing with logic and knowledge, then what else is?

The lesser I refer to the IQ of mainstream media, the better for you. All these predictions and anticipations on economy comes with statistical education on messonomics. If you are not subscribed to the pool of it, you cannot be a famous astrologer on “prime time news hour debate” discussing about uncertainty of the certainty. Your popularity in media life is dependent upon abundant distribution of incoherent narratives. Recently, I was stunned to listen to a “renowned journalist” who believes that government should be given more powers to clear the mess in our economy. In this case, the law of messonomics is cyclical and highly fragile. I have not understood: How would government clear the mess with more powers, when it created the mess, in the first place, with the same standard of powers?

The think-tanks got to comply with the theme of mainstream economics too. If they transcend the geography of armchair analysis, they don’t receive proper funding. They are liable to repeat the same mistake in their “analysis” by expecting different outcome or else they would be quite insipid in their own echo chamber “intellectually masturbating” seminars. Their understanding of messonomics is completely in tangent with the global ministries of economics, trade, commerce and finance. Not just that they suffer from schizophrenia (fear of reality), cognitive dissonance (fear of new information/logic), eleutherophobia (fear of liberty) and apoplithorismosphobia (love for inflation), but they would not mind hiding their mercantilism traits. In India, they believe in “strict regulation” of blockchain technology and crytocurrencies. Plus, on the domain of tariffs and fiscal deficit, they are vociferously loud on expanding the size of government interventionism. There is a direct relationship between government interference and messonomics, and that is because “market success” hurts the ego of messonomists. Messonomics believes in organizing chaos and disorderliness without realizing the implications of such actions. Conclusively speaking, messonomics has overtaken economics. It is simply about confusing the knowledge of economics by messing with a basic axiom: Human Action.

About the Author

Prof. Jaimine Vaishnav is an anarcho-capitalist based in Mumbai, India. His hobbies are about defending the liberties of all his dissents without charging any fee at the cost of nobody.

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