It’s Not Racism That’s the Problem… It’s the State (Episode 44)

In a nation that elected an African-American president to two terms, the state of race relations seems to be as low as it’s been in decades. So what’s at the root of the problem? Is it actual racism among the American population? Are we white people just so darned privileged and unaware of our inherent racism that it’s affecting minority citizens?

Or is it something else? We discuss this hotly debated topic.

Links related to this episode:

Bill Maher “N” Word Cross a Line During Ben Sasse Interview: ‘I’m A House N*gga’

Ice Cube and Symone Sanders on White Privilege | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

A Conversation with Michael Eric Dyson | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Who Is Racist?

Jim Crow and Capitalism

Racism or Stupidity

Is Racism The Problem? Or Is It The State?


 – Pat and Jon

Source: Libertarianism for Normal People – It’s Not Racism That’s the Problem… It’s the State (Episode 44)

Building Success and Independence Through Networking (Episode 43)

We haven’t done one of our value-add episodes in a while, so we thought it was about gosh darn time. For this one, we discuss the value of networking – an often underrated practice among professionals that can unlock countless opportunities to those who can do it well.

Very few people achieve success and independence alone. It requires having a variety of mutually beneficial relationships that are maintained and nurtured over a long period of time. It’s not a passive activity; it takes work. But if you’re looking to move up the corporate ladder or put yourself in the best possible position as a business owner – or even trying to build your libertarian community – your network can be your most successful tool.

Links related to this episode:

7 Career Benefits of a Strong Network

How to Network Effectively at Events

How to Network Effectively

Building Success and Independence Through Networking


Source: Libertarianism for Normal People – Building Success and Independence Through Networking (Episode 43)

Support the Troops… By Ending Military Intervention (Episode 42)

Ever since 9/11, there’s been a heightened reverence for the military and those who serve in it. We see soldiers getting discounts at all sorts of businesses, receiving rounds of applause when boarding airplanes, and tributes to them before NFL games. It’s all a show how we “support the troops.”

Now please don’t mistake this for me bashing the troops. It’s not that at all. I want to support the troops in the best way possible – bringing them home and ending this insane foreign policy of the US government.

If your instinct is to support our military no matter what, you might want to skip this episode. But if you’re open to hearing why continued elevation of our bloated military forces is hurting our liberties, please hit “Play.”

Links related to this episode:

Does Military Defense Require Large States?

War and the Leviathan State

Come Home, Conservatives!—to the Antiwar Conservative Movement

But Wouldn’t Warlords Take Over?

Military In a Free Society – Can It Work?


– Pat and Jon

Source: Libertarianism for Normal People – Support the Troops… By Ending Military Intervention (Episode 42)

Sorry…Healthcare is a Consumer Good, Not a Human Right (Episode 41)

Another recent Facebook kerfuffle in which Pat and I were involved brought out a liberal cliché about healthcare – it’s a human right. You’ve probably heard this a lot lately, especially with the trouble Obamacare’s been having and the push for a single-payer system in the wake of the current efforts by Republicans to repeal and replace.

Of course, the single-payer or government-run concept in healthcare is based on the principle that people have a basic human right to medical goods and services. That sounds good. We definitely believe that no one should be denied healthcare by force. But what’s wrong with the idea that it’s a “human right”? We discuss in today’s show.

Links related to this episode:

Cliches of Progressivism: #14 – Healthcare Is a Right

Why Computers Are Less Expensive Than Health Care

Why Single-Payer Health Care Delivers Poor Quality at High Cost

The Politics of Health Care Rationing

How Government Regulations Made Healthcare So Expensive

Tom Woods Show, Ep. 481: How Capitalism Can Fix Health Care

Sorry… Healthcare is a Consumer Good, Not a Human Right


– Pat and Jon

Source: Libertarianism for Normal People – Sorry…Healthcare is a Consumer Good, Not a Human Right (Episode 41)

You Should Not Join Politics. This is why.

If you believe that you possess a good conscience with devilish motives, then politics is a vocation meant for you because it gives you the monopoly on accessing unaccountable power for performing sadistic activities at the expense of your exchequers.

I know many people believe that “one should join politics to do ‘greater good’ for the society” but they fail to consciously understand that politics is a profession designed to degrade, dictate and debauch the liberties of all individuals except for the establishment.

Therefore, politics is a medium to organically achieve the disastrous conclusions.

It’s the power that attracts the miscreants toward politics, otherwise, why wouldn’t you become an entrepreneur, social volunteer, educator, anarchist or an agorist to serve the economic needs, anthropological desires and empathetic expectations of the people?

I am sure that you would not join the Taliban group to “change” the theme of Islamic terrorism “from within”. Similarly, what’s so magical about ‘joining politics to change politics from within’?

In this case, the only good thing about Taliban terrorists is that:

1) they do not fund the media,

2) camouflage people’s opinion,

3) fake electionery promises,

4) lobby with cronyists and

5) deliver unaccountable GDP results.

Whereas, politicians enjoy the monopoly on terrorizing the system. Continue reading “You Should Not Join Politics. This is why.”

Trump Pulls Out of the Paris Climate Change Agreement… Thank Goodness (Episode 40)

When we recorded this episode, President Donald Trump announced the United States would pull out of the Paris climate change agreement. While this has received overwhelming criticism from those who believe our planet is on the brink of catastrophe, we applaud it. We explain why.

Resources related to this episode:

What is the Paris Agreement on climate change? Everything you need to know

Law, Property Rights, and Air Pollution

Governments are the Worst Polluters

Chris Horner: Politically Incorrect Global Warming

The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism

The Great Global Warming Swindle Full Movie

Climate Change and the Paris Accord


Source: Libertarianism for Normal People – Trump Pulls Out of the Paris Climate Change Agreement… Thank Goodness (Episode 40)

Indian Libertarian Jaimine Vaishnav Returns! (Episode 39)

One of the first guests we had on Libertarianism for Normal People was Jaimine Vaishnav, a libertarian/anarcho-capitalist living in India – a part of the world not known for its affinity for personal liberty. So his story was particularly compelling as to how he became a libertarian and what he’s doing to help spread the liberty message in his country.

It was a great conversation, so we wanted to check in with Jaimine to see how things are going in India, the state of politics in that country, and if any gains have been made toward freedom.

Links related to this episode:

Free a Billion

Actual Anarchy


– Pat and Jon

Source: Libertarianism for Normal People – Indian Libertarian Jaimine Vaishnav Returns! (Episode 39)

Why the War on Drugs Needs to End (Episode 38)

By now, it should be pretty obvious that the War on Drugs has been a complete disaster on so many levels. But amazingly, we still hear people make the arguments that we just haven’t done enough to fight drugs, and if we give in and legalize it, that will just signal that we, as a society, condone people getting high and becoming addicted to dangerous substances.

In this episode, we discuss what’s wrong with the drug war, why it needs to end ASAP, and what are some alternative ways to think about and treat drug addiction.

Resources related to this episode:

The War on Drugs Is a War on Freedom

The Eternal Drug War

Why hardly anyone dies from a drug overdose in Portugal

Want to Stop Gun Violence? End The War On Drugs

Addiction and the Rat Park experiments

 Why The War on Drugs Needs to End


– Pat and Jon

Source: Libertarianism for Normal People – Why the War on Drugs Needs to End (Episode 38)

How’s Trump Doing So Far? A Libertarian Perspective (Episode 37)

We missed the 100-day mark, but hey… we’re libertarians. We don’t conform to the rules, man!

In this episode, we discuss the first five months of the Trump presidency and point out what we like and don’t like about the moves made by the Donald.

How’s Trump Doing So Far?

A Libertarian Perspective.


– Pat and Jon

Source: Libertarianism for Normal People – How’s Trump Doing So Far? A Libertarian Perspective (Episode 37)

Is There Any Hope of Reaching SJWs? (Episode 36)

When you see videos from the UC Berkley Milo event, Ben Shapiro being shouted down in lecture halls, or professors being screamed at for defending the right to dress as an American Indian for Halloween, it’s not unreasonable to question whether the SJWs leading the fight to end racism, sexism, fascism, etc. can be made to understand that their tactics are fascist by their nature. Free speech is definitely under attack and the people opposing this basic civil right bafflingly claim that their fighting for equality and social justice.

So are they beyond hope? Or is it possible that, as they mature and gain real-life experiences and interactions, they might start to see the world as complex and multi-faceted rather than the black and white caricature they’re provided by their high school teachers and college professors? A recent video by a prominent YouTube SJW gave me some glimmer of hope. In today’s episode we discuss whether this is proof that others can be reached, as well.

Links related to this episode:


Ep. 848 I Shouldn’t Write Off the Left Altogether?

Reaching Out to SJWs


– Pat and Jon

Source: Libertarianism for Normal People – Is There Any Hope of Reaching SJWs? (Episode 36)