Intellectual Property is Forced Negative Servitude

Patents are a lot like Net Neutrality.  Everybody seems to think they’re a good idea, but the reality is this:  both are about government control.

It’s essentially a race to the patent office to get the government to prevent anyone from competing so the patent seeker can gain monopoly rents.

The patent seeker wants the violence of government to FORCE consumers to have worse products to protect one producer?

Net Neutrality is Newspeak for Cronyism

And how is this going to be enforced without government?  IP requires a government to enforce it.  Enforcement prevents someone not a party to the arrangement of the patent from using their own materials or ideas.

This is roughly equivalent to theft.

[IP is more precisely a form of negative servitude, not theft. It restricts people from doing certain things with their property. There’s nothing wrong with voluntary negative servitudes, such as restrictive covenant agreements. The problem with IP is that it attempts to create rights that are good against the world and at odds with pre-existing property rights in physical things.] – Freedom Juice

Continue reading “Intellectual Property is Forced Negative Servitude”

Episode 33 – The Aviator (1:24:43)

We join forces with Jon Reed from Libertarianism For Normal People to discuss the Martin Scorsese biopic of Howard Hughes, the Aviator.  It’s a long movie and so we focus on some key points and overall themes in our discussion. The way of the future.

Google Description:

Billionaire and aviation tycoon Howard Hughes (Leonardo DiCaprio) is a successful public figure: a director of big-budget Hollywood films such as “Hell’s Angels,” a passionate lover of Hollywood leading ladies Katharine Hepburn (Cate Blanchett) and Ava Gardner (Kate Beckinsale), and an aviation pioneer who helps build TWA into a major airline. But in private, Hughes remains tormented, suffering from paralyzing phobias and depression. The higher he rises, the farther has to fall.


For more information on our guest, please visit: Continue reading “Episode 33 – The Aviator (1:24:43)”

Treason by Elected Officials: the Minimum Wage

By Gene Balfour

The proposed Minimum Wage Law increases in various US jurisdictions is an act of aggression against businesses and willing workers. It is also an act of treason by elected officials against the very citizens who entrusted them to protect their well-being.
Here is the analysis to prove my claims.

Individual property rights includes 4 components which we all possess: our BODY, MIND, EFFORTS and the ASSETS we acquire through the application of the first three.

Employment is a form of trade – an economic exchange between two willing parties.

Property and Exchange

The terms of employment are based on each employee’s (party #1) willingness to apply his or her body (skills), mind (knowledge), and effort (productivity) to meet the goals set by the employer to fulfill the expectations defined by the job description and responsibilities thereof. The employer (party #2) agrees to pay each employee from assets that have been earned by the business owners which constitutes their legal property. As part of this arrangement, the employer also makes available other assets to the workers including a work place, equipment, co-workers/teammates/management, intellectual property and, of course, paying customers who make the entire enterprise viable.

Hiring a new worker is no different than any other business investment, regardless of its nature – equipment, energy, services or labour. The business expects a return on investment (ROI) or else they will not invest. Some jobs provide a lower ROI than others due to their low skill/knowledge requirements and the wages for these jobs reflect this reality. Overqualified workers will not apply for these jobs knowing that other jobs can leverage their skills and knowledge at a higher pay level. Under-qualified workers will need more training and time to become productive at the ROI levels expected by the employer. All employers seek the best candidates for each job and usually choose the person who is not overqualified and too expensive or so under-qualified as to require too much time and effort to meet expected performance goals.

When governments enact laws like the Minimum Wage Level, the business case for hiring new workers is taken out of the hands of the employer and potential workers. This is a violation of the property rights of both and is actually harmful to both parties. Like medical doctors who swear an oath to “do no harm” to their patients, is it too much to ask our political and government leaders to abide by the same oath?

Gene Balfour
Professional recruiter for 35 years
Fenelon Falls, ON

On The Federal Reserve | CNN vs. Murray Rothbard

Friend of the show, Mike Tilden (, recently saw the following on Pravda (CNN) while walking through an airport:

(h/t: Battle For Liberty

Here is the the short Pravda version of how the Fed works:

Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Murray N. Rothbard on how it was formed and what it does:

A speech by Murray N. Rothbard. Presented at the Mises Institute’s 1984 “Seminar on Money and Government,” in Houston, Texas.


For the history you didn’t learn in school, check out Liberty Classroom:

Get the equivalent of a Ph.D. in libertarian thought and free-market economics online for just 24 cents a day….

A Political Guide To Destroying Your Economy

WARNING:  Before you implement the pieces of advice, it is necessary for you to have a nuke or else it is not easy to declare yourself as a legal thug who is going to constitutionally take care of everything at the expense of everyone else except yourself.

Otherwise, you would have a difficult time in organising the slaves and call yourself “the government”.

To destroy your nation’s economy, you need to abhor freedom of others. If you lack this quality, you are not “mentally fit” to envy and expropriate others. All your actions can be justified by a piece of paper called “constitution”. There’s nothing to worry about, except anarchists.

Second thing, you should never learn economics. What matters is sociology because it helps us to “screech autistically” and attain the status of victimhood, followed by a biased understanding of the history subject.

Professional Victim

By the way, if you come across any “critical thinker” or “learned person” then it is your moral duty to shun his/her opinion without using facts, but sentiments.

Anyway, the above premises are the fundamental and foundational qualities to embrace the civility of a good politician. Only Ron Paul can be a bad politician because he does not support this guide/blog. I condemn him for that. Continue reading “A Political Guide To Destroying Your Economy”

3 Reasons Why Discussing Politics is Waste of Time

Different people possess different opinions, definitions and comprehensions about politics. Many individuals continue to [vociferously] express and discourse their stagnant views and loud perspectives about politics, respectively. They “feel good” about what they say, no matter how incoherent their statements are. They wouldn’t mind shunning others’ “political opinion” without realising that the inherent quality of any political debate is cyclically poor.

What matters to them is their own “political ego” and nothing else.

But, it isn’t my business to decide the best political opinion, statement or scientist because ‘politics is inherently a waste of time, energy, mind and wealth’.

Read the following reasons to know why, and figure them out at your discretion without feeling guilty, low and manipulated: Continue reading “3 Reasons Why Discussing Politics is Waste of Time”

Vedic Anarchism

Once upon a time in India, voluntaryist societies existed. A voluntaristic society is that community where people transact, socialise and trade without fearing any coercion, hierarchy and taxtortion. In such a liberal society, people live tranquilly, responsibly and rationally because it empowers the cultural scope of spontaneous order and catallactic actions of all the participants or members. In today’s scenario, excluding the black markets, it is very rare to spot such open, free and transparent societies. Thanks to the government.

I am not an Indologist but I live in India. In this article, I do not intend to divulge the marketing skills of my authorship but helping my international amigos to know the features of Vedic anarchism. To begin with, the Vedas are a large body of knowledge texts originating in the ancient Indian subcontinent.

The Vedas are ancient Sanskrit texts of Hinduism. Above: A page from the Atharvaveda.

Composed in the Sanskrit language, the texts constitute the oldest layer of Sanskrit literature and the oldest scriptures of Hinduism. Hindus consider the Vedas to be apauruṣeya, which means “not of a man, superhuman” and “impersonal, authorless”. Vedic anarchism period existed in Bhaarat (India) between 4000 BC – 500 BC. But, in today’s time, in India as elsewhere, the anarchist thought is widely misunderstood. As Bhagat Singh (1907–1931), one of the few Indian revolutionaries who had explicit anarchist leanings, put it:

The people are scared of the word anarchism. The word anarchism has been abused so much that even in India revolutionaries have been called anarchist to make them unpopular.”

Vedic anarchism is a fearless trek into the unknown. Since it throws out the imposed normative ideals of other political philosophies, Vedic anarchism prescribes complete sacrifice of the ego of a politically-driven mind. It forebodes the usual prescriptions and solutions for society’s ills and trusts the forces of cooperative effort, mutual respect, and mutualism will do better. It’s the respect for the limits of human reason, the fallibility of human power, the unlikely, but unsurpassed, power of unconscious design, the appreciation of innovation and progress brought about by forces completely out of our control and, above all, humility – the recognition of one’s own mistakes, flaws, ignorance, and inability to know the unknown. Continue reading “Vedic Anarchism”

Diet Coke of Fascism

There’s a self-proclaimed intellectual tribe which believes in a contradictory premise and that is “removing 80% of the tumor solves the cancer, while the remaining 20% should be left intact”.

It is just not a belief but also a modern ideology. They worship this political ideology, like the way jihadists worship Islam, but without directly initiating violence. The tribe also believes that it is morally correct to have freedom in all economic activities because they trust the principles of government-constituted free market.

When it comes to defense, police and courts or law, the tribe would not mind distrusting the principles of laissez-faire. To add, the tribe does not realise that it suffers from a psychotic disorder called ‘stockholm syndrome’ (which means, sympathising with the crime doer).

For example: they chant, blog & podcast “government is evil” (without realising that they’re the ones who are always eager to necessitate the evil at the expense of everyone else). They tend to forget that ‘limiting’ the evil does not equate to abolishment of evil.

Evil is evil, no matter what’s the size of it.

I do not intend to bash these intellectuals in this article. I am simply analysing their unnoticed hypocrisy.

Drink in the hypocrisy of minarchism

What makes their myth so different from other political ideologies like democracy, communism, etc., when their own ideology is a diet coke of all the fascist tendencies? Continue reading “Diet Coke of Fascism”