Voluntaryist Origins III Shipped! New Pages on SubscribeStar!

Hello, Voluntaryist fans!

Your perks for the Origins III campaign have been officially shipped out! WOOHOO!

Voluntaryist Origins 3 Cover Final Post

shipped perks happy

(Me riding off with shipping records longer than a CVS receipt!)

Most of you state-side should see them in your mailbox within 1-2 weeks tops. International backers should see their perk packs within 3-4 weeks.

If you do not see your perk package within a month, please don’t hesitate to contact me for tracking.

When you get your packages, I would love it if you shared a celebratory post with your Voluntaryist goodies! Feel free to tag me at http://facebook.com/volcomics as I’d love to share it and celebrate with you!

If you didn’t get a physical copy of the comic, but would like to get one, you now can!

Print-on-demand copies of Origins III (and the other issues) are available at IndyPlanet.

You can order Origins III here: http://www.indyplanet.com/voluntaryist-origins-iii in print and digital.

You can also get the Origins series on Amazon Kindle here:

Origins I Kindle: https://amzn.to/3abt4Oz

Origins II Kindle: https://amzn.to/30j6HC6

Origins III Kindle: https://amzn.to/3abt4Oz

Once you’ve finished going through your perk goodies and reading this latest issue, please be sure to join for the continuing adventure over at SubscribeStar!

New pages are already in development and the works-in-progress have been posted.

You’re not going to want to miss out and your support helps me be able to bring new pages to fruition on a rolling basis.

Sign up and continue to bring the message of liberty to the comic world here:


I will be taking a break from Indiegogo for a little while to drum up support for Voluntaryist through SubscribeStar. Eventually though, I will return to Indiegogo when we’re ready to put together print copies of the rest of the Origins story.

Thank you so much, everyone, for believing in me and the Voluntaryist message. Your commitment has helped bring the Voluntaryist comic to a new level of accessibility and quality that will continue from here on out.

You’re the real heroes of this adventure!

Looking forward to accomplishing more great things with you in 2020.

In liberty,

-J ( :

P.S. I forgot to put a link to Actual Anarchy in my “Thank You!” on the advertisers update, so I want to give them an extra note of thanks for their continued support.

Actual Anarchy AD

Please give them a “Like” and “Share” with their Podcast and Website links here:

Actual Anarchy Podcast: https://www.actualanarchy.com/

Actual Anarchy Film Analysis Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ActualAnarchy/

Actual Anarchy Podcast Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/140788079791347/
It’s great to see so many people engaging culture topics from a liberty-oriented angle. Thank you, Actual Anarchy, for helping to spread the message of Voluntaryism for a peaceful, more prosperous future!

Source: Volcomic – Voluntaryist Origins III Shipped! New Pages on SubscribeStar!