2020: Do or die for conservatives

My colleague and friend Jack Kerwick, who I had the pleasure of interviewing for the DM podcast back in June, has written a riveting piece. For anyone who’s ever read Kerwick, that’s not really news. His writing is always thought-provoking, sometimes putting into words exactly what you felt but couldn’t quite articulate, and other times taking you into new realms of inquiry and contemplation.

But this essay is particularly interesting because, for one, the sole news outlet that picked it up was NAEBC (the Newsroom for American and European Based Citizens). As of this publishing, the news aggregate has a completely unreachable website. All you get when you visit their homepage is an error message. But if you search it up, what you do find are links to Russia, Russia, Russia.

Taking a cue from Reuters, outlets from NBC and the Jerusalem Post, to the Financial Post and every podunk to progressive metro paper assured us that NAEBC is a Russian “operation” or “group” … “disguised” or “masqueraded” as a “right-wing news site.” It’s Russia-gate allegations and unsourced assertions as far as the eye can see. But if it comes across the wire, that’s the truth, guarantee lazy editors and even more indolent “journalists.” Copy and paste, lickety split.

“Right-Wing Trumpist News Site Busted as Putin Troll Farm Operation” claims the Daily Beast, and “A right-wing news outlet was just unmasked as Russian propaganda” insists AlterNet. Did you get that, citizen? It’s RIGHT WING! The elite have UNMASKED the MASQUERADE!

NAEBC is a “Putin troll farm,” explains Newsweek. An “FBI investigation … revealed [it] to be a pseudo media organization run by the same group accused of interfering in the 2016 presidential election.” Even though these hit pieces are baseless, the apparatchiks insist it’s all “disinformation,” that there are “Russian meddlers” coming out of our ears, and that Putin is “targeting American voters.” If only.

Previously, NAEBC described itself as a “news organization and a news aggregator site dedicated to bringing you uncensored news and discussion on immigration, failures of modern liberalism, right-wing politics, globalism and restrictions on freedom in America and Europe.” That’s code for Nazi in 2020-ese, don’t ya know?

But it’s not just the allure of a forbidden fruit that makes Kerwick’s article so compelling. His words were already deemed “fallen” by Murica’s political priesthood and rabbinical order, i.e. the Establishment. This is why Kerwick could find little to no quarter within the ever-narrowing confines of Conservative Inc.’s walls, which don’t protect and serve the people’s interests, but rather, only safeguard the overlords.

So, being that I’m a dissident mama and all, I shall publish Kerwick’s fine work. I will eventually share my two cents about his bold call to action and away from sleepwalking through postmodernity. In the meantime, I urge you to share your thoughts in the comment section, and to start tapping into our ancestral strength. Now’s not the time for fear; instead, let’s put the skeer on our adversaries, especially the ones who have an R beside their names. We shan’t cede one more inch toward suicide.

2020: Do or Die for Conservatives
An Awakening or An Extinction?
By Jack Kerwick

The article that you are about to read could very well be the most difficult that I have ever had to write.

If you are reading it, it is because of the consistency and courage of the editor(s) who agreed to publish it. Within the conservative media, it is sad to say, these virtues are all-too rare commodities.

I have been an avid consumer of what I often refer to as “Big Conservative” media for decades, since I was in my very early 20s. If nothing else, the posterity of American patriots should look back at the present year as either the year that conservatism became officially extinct or the year that it transformed itself into an indomitable juggernaut of a force that would revolutionize the country and the world.

The COVID Internment of the country, the normalization of leftist thuggery and domestic terrorism in hundreds of American cities, and now the hijacking of a presidential election—2020 is proof that the conservative movement (i.e. the GOP, Big Conservative media, and, yes, the millions of Americans who constitute the base) is irrelevant.

Or, current events could serve as a clarion call to conservatives to crucify their old collective Self and be born again. Yet this will obviously require recognition on their part that their tried way of conducting themselves has proven unsuccessful. Making of themselves a new creation demands that they reckon with the sobering fact that in order to save their country for themselves and their offspring, they will have to transform themselves mentally, emotionally, and, yes, physically.

Simply put, conservatives, both normal citizens as well as the politicians for whom they have voted and the media personalities to whom they turn, had better begin the work of making themselves into warriors.

Real warriors—and not metaphorical ones.

And lest anyone shirk away in horror at what they think I’m saying, I implore them to read further so that they realize what it is in fact that I am actually saying.

For decades, Republican politicians and Big Conservative media scribblers and talking heads have issued one and, ultimately, only one imperative to their constituents: Vote Republican.

Vote Republican.

And for decades, the country has continued its leftward drift. This year, under a Republican President and a Republican-controlled Senate, a dubious cold-virus was permitted to be exploited for naked political purposes with devastating consequences. At the same time, lawlessness has skyrocketed in legions of cities, even as Big Tech oligarchs, along with the so-called “Mainstream Media,” continue to suppress those who they demonstrably perceive as their enemies.

The question that every remotely honest conservative needs to ask him or herself is:

What has voting Republican gotten us?

Now, though, a record number of Americans—at least some 73 million—have indeed voted Republican. Yet systemic, ubiquitous election fraud has, in effect, disenfranchised them.

Here’s the point: How can any conservative media figure or GOP politician ever again tell its constituents (as many still are telling them) to make sure that they just “get out there and vote?!”

Been there, done that.

Until just a couple of weeks ago, prior to the election, conservative writers, talk radio hosts, and television hosts, to say nothing of Republican politicians, were assuring us (as they do on the eve of every election) that this election is “the most important of our lifetime.” You see, either we vote Republican or else we will be forced to live in a “socialist” society where law-abiding patriots will be deprived of their freedom and preyed upon by violent thugs.

Now, though, already many of these same folks are treating this as if it really is just another election and adopting the attitude that, hey, if his administration can’t “prove” that Trump was robbed of a second term, then the rest of us will just have to accept Joe Biden as President.

It is this viewpoint that is the function of the Old Self that the conservative must kill once and for all, for it is the viewpoint of liars, losers, and wimps.

For starters, the country is, in many (even if not all) respects, already a socialist society. It has retreated far from the Constitutional Republic envisioned and ratified by America’s Founders, and this retreat picked up steam over the last half-of-a-century or so under both Republican and Democrat governments. And violent thugs have been preying upon the law-abiding in our cities for a long time, with this year witnessing a marked rise in this criminality.

Second, no self-respecting American, and certainly no self-respecting American man, will ever accept the alternative to voting Republican that Republican politicians and Big Conservatives assure us is our fate. No way, no how.

No heir to the signatories of the Declaration of Independence—the death warrant that the Founding Fathers knew that they were signing—would think of doing anything other than die before he would permit tyrants, whether on the streets, in the media, or in government, to violate his God-given rights affirmed in that precious document and those Constitutional rights that are his birthright as an American.

Like the Founders, toward whom Republicans and Big Conservatives never tire of paying lip service, a patriotic American man is willing to be killed—and to kill—any who would reduce him and his loved ones to slaves or corpses.

The Founding Fathers were warriors. They were real warriors. When they realized, as colonists, that their petitions to the government of England were falling on deaf ears, they didn’t continue making those same petitions, hoping that, perhaps one of these times, some concessions may be made. They weren’t so delusional as to think that they could “vote” to make their vote count.

They first tried seceding, as secession is the most peaceful way of ending hostilities between parties. When, however, King George III refused them the divorce for which they filed and sought to coerce them, the Founders, knowing that the only other option at this juncture to being an oppressed subject was war, resolved to shed blood, both their own, if need be, but most definitely that of those who were waging war upon them (and all during a smallpox epidemic at that!).

They knew, that is, the truth of a meme that has made its rounds on social media. The meme features an image of Mel Gibson from the film, The Patriot: “Everyone wants to be a patriot until it’s time to do patriot shit,” it reads.

England, the most powerful empire in the world at that time, eventually had to surrender, for the patriots of 1776 did what patriots do when their freedoms are threatened by oppressors and fought for as long and as hard as they had to fight in order to secure those of their liberties that they recognized as divine dispensations, “unalienable rights” that, as such, no man could violate without paying the cost in his own blood.

America as a sovereign country was founded in violence, righteous violence, the blood of tyrants and patriots. It was ratified by the bloodied, maimed, and dead bodies of legions of American men and the English who became their enemies by attacking them.

It was violence, unadulterated violence that resolved the tensions between the colonists and the English government. Reason, compromise, negotiation, and diplomacy all failed, and the Founders finally realized that it was time to either put up or shut up.

Today’s conservatives, who purport to revere the Founders, evidently have either infinitely greater patience than the Founders possessed or infinitely greater folly and cowardice. Perhaps they simply don’t value freedom as they say they do, for if they did, they would truly feel in the marrow of their bones that freedom ain’t free.

Jordan Peterson (with whom I’m not as enamored as some) made an insightful remark to Jocko Willink during a conversation on the former Navy Seal’s and martial artist’s podcast. Peterson noted to Willink that a genuinely good man must be “a very dangerous man”:

“A harmless man is not a good man. A good man is a very dangerous man who has that under voluntary control” (italics added).

Many conservatives are decent human beings. But the left doesn’t fear them. This is why the left continues to do what it does.

So, having identified the problem, the solution is staring us in the face.

Conservatives, patriots, must launch a Great Reset of their own. It’s time for them to truly honor the sacrifices of past generations, both the generation of the Warrior-Founders who they claim to love, as well as others that sacrificed life and limb for their freedoms. It is time for them to remake themselves in the image of past warriors.

Now is the time for the GOP, Big Conservative media, and the tens of millions of Americans whose votes were just essentially nullified to either do or die, to radically change by returning to the future of the Spirit of ’76 or relegate themselves to the dustbin of history.

If readers can’t see that I’m being neither melodramatic nor hyperbolic, or if they are put off by what I say, then this could only mean that they have already made their choice.

Source: Dissident Mama – 2020: Do or die for conservatives